Pages: 12345678..8

  2008-04-18 02:59:57

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all i know that naruto and bleach are the same in characters you know why? if naruto has 10 akatsuki then bleach has 10 espada who among of the two group of character is you think the stro

[b]Shiffer[/b] Ah. Site of bleach. ? Just googling them. =d Honestly, I joined a Bleach forum. But it is an Indonesian forum. I'm afraid U 'll get lost there. [hr][hr] Yaha~ Espada is the strongest. Wanna know why? Ninja couldn't kill Arrancars. Cause among them, there are some Hollows. Ninja didn't have the Shinigami abilities. Auhm. Maybe Tobi could apply as a Shinigami. =d

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