Pages: 12345678..8

  2008-04-23 04:48:38

» FTalkAddict
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Re: [b]First of all i know that naruto and bleach are the same in characters you know why? if naruto has 10 akatsuki then bleach has 10 espada who among of the two group of character is you think the stro

ESPADA coz....exploding birds.wont work coz they have skin that is harder than steel and you dont have any hearts to be stolen from them coz they are hearthless(literally) and they have shunpo that is flash steps..also cero is crazy powerfull.. and also from the sharingan..if 2 of them were caught by sharingan coz only 2 of akatsuki have sharingan what about the others?.. also ulquiorra can dissolve his eyes so..worthless sharingan... ow yeah.. one of the espada eats you alive and digest you to get every single energy you have!!! :wasted::wasted:

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