[quote=lilprincess950]I saw [b]Shirow and Ezil...[/b]
lol what the hell is this??? why my name is there??? lol is that really a big issue to be fuzzes here?

geez too bad a lot of people today are having a common sense deficit lol they can't understand even a very small things here it is just a mere puny expression like ezil said you don't know us and you don't know what we are talking about on that time and FYI we are not accusing that word to [b]someone[/b] so this issue is too darn small to talk about hope this will get through your brain if you have one

[quote=eehjhay]@lilprincess if the vulgar words are not directed to you, just remind them to avoid those kinds of words.
Not all members and guests in FriendsterTalk are mature enough to understand those conversation, so be careful.[/quote]
my apologies we will be aware of that kuya eejhay we will avoiding it next time especially when there is a person who lacks of common sense to understand every little thing on the chat box