• » Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

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Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

lol. i only fought back. i didnt start it. but it's not a big deal. if i want to chat there are so many places to go for fun chat. lol
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

Just as thought but that's not the proper way to fought back. =|
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

well before i got banned i had told them in the chat box that i didnt really care if i get banned for as long as i've pointed (whether in a proper manner or not) to that chatter her mistakes. lol\ but yeah, ur right.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

Ahh okay I got your point, I understood. Good for me my demon side is yet awake. If possible I must control my patience as I can.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

well it seems like they have taken out the chat box already?
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

^ nope.. you must have 100 post :D
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

To [color=red]Administrator[/color] & [color=red]Moderators[/color], Isn't there any language rule for chatbox? Like only speak english?!

Last edited by aftermath (2007-09-30 13:54:12)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

@aftermath No there isn't any. The link to the rules of the website is: http://theftalk.com/misc.php?action=rules and as you see, there are no written and published rules by the website operator (admin) specifically for that small chatbox. Some of the rules actually are vague. lol. Rule #2 is obviously implying the boards and not the chatbox. So what you have been reading about chatbox rules here are mods-enforced own rules that they create themselves (and oftentimes violate themselves, ironically). Btw, you wrote and urge others earlier in the chatbox to "speak" in English. We don't actually speak in the chatbox coz if we do, you would have heard my angelic voice a long time ago. :-P
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

You're being literal sir/maam. Lemme edit my previous post.

Last edited by aftermath (2007-09-30 13:56:03)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

lol @literal No pun intended there. In fact, I made it quite humorous. I just thought the word "chat" was more appropriate than "speak" and whether it should be taken "literally" or "figuratively", fact is...truth of the matter is... we don't "speak" in the chatbox; we chat. :cool:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

Actually I made a Chat box rule to make the [b]Q [/b]and [b]A[/b] Mods do there work a bit easier like me, xavierkym, dale, eehjhay, also to bobcar, ezil and others?. =) [b] Why?[/b] It's easier to answer 1st hand online question 1on1 rather than [b]posting, page load, posting page load.[/b] kinda takes the time away... [b] Why can't we guys answer questions in the chat box?[/b] Easy question again! you'll notice 70% of the users don't give a care to questions by newbies. All they do is boast off their profile too much in regular intervals. [b] So what you use the chat box too to boast off! so what?[/b] Easy question again! as you see if I am online I do not post that much in the chat box but I work hard in answering question even if it's out of my understanding. So please give me a break! :penguin: Anyway I do not post in the chat box that much except if I am feeling tired, I want to greet users,flirt around [b]a bit[/b] and answer questions. Also kindly stop sarcasm if not needed because I assure you 30% will reply in the same manner. All I have to say is this... [b][color=red] IF YOU GUYS HATE THE RULES IN THIS THREAD THAT BADLY WHY NOT PM ME SO I'LL DELETE THIS THREAD. I DON'T MIND AT ALL. JUST IMAGINE YOU ARE IN MY SHOES. A FIRST YEAR COLLEGE STUDENT, TENDING TO THIS FORUM AND STUDYING AT THE SAME TIME. KINDA EASY RIGHT? AT LEAST SOME OF YOU GUYS FINISHED COLLEGE ALREADY AND DON'T MIND THE TIME AT ALL, UNLIKE THE OTHER MODS AND MEMBERS, STILL STUDYING AND COOPING QUESTIONS, DIVIDING THEIR TIME AND EFFORT. KINDA EASY RIGHT?[/color][/b] :disgust: Anyway I became a moderator so I have commitment to it's members like in my real life so even worst comes to worst I still try my best to care for you guys so please stop this arguing already. Good day... :penguin: [color=white]Still sleepy many assignments and questions to be answered[/color]

Last edited by Ephemeral (2007-09-30 17:26:13)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

I like rules, like what some people say, if we don't have rules then we are savages.. right?! The thing is, there isn't enough moderators to close/delete threads/posts & suspend/ban users not following rules. Atleast a warning system would be a good idea, like on some forum that I visit, moderators can just click + or - to their warning levels and once they hit the max warning level they will be banned automatically. @frolick,[quote]2. Don't use language other than English (except in Regional Boards).[/quote] This means the chatbox is also under the #2 rule, since it says [i]except in Regional Boards[/i] and nothing was said about #2 being applied only to the board. Thats why it's called FORUM rules, everything on this site is under those rules.

Last edited by aftermath (2007-09-30 17:47:01)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

Why question the rules by the way? What is the purpose of it? Trying to cause a chaos or something? It's really getting on my nerves. Coming here, gives harsh criticisms, questioning lot of rules, and too boastful. We are not perfect like you. Give us a break! You joined our forum and agreed to abide the rules. Rules may change without any prior notice. So if ever someone has a magnificent comment about it, just tell us via PM. Don't be too proud of yourself as if you are announcing your thoughts in the forum. I guess now, he probably know who he is and what we are trying to say. Unless he is stupid, we can elaborate it more.

Last edited by eehjhay (2007-09-30 19:59:37)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

I'm leaving this thread coz I know I have shared a "peace" of my mind in the discussion, and that it is time to move on. No use in arguing with a moderator who cannot control himself and is allowing all these to get in his nerves, right? Might as well show good examples, so I'm moving on. :penguin: I know, it's always nice to be kewl. :cool: To aftermath: Oh ok. But still we don't speak in the chatbox; we chat. lol Wanna hear my angelic voice? hahaha you might envy lol. *joke* To Ephe: you are and always will be one of my favorite mods here. Kudos for doing a great moderating job here in spite of having to attend school. Your chatbox rules aren't bad at all. :thumbsup:

Last edited by frolickfriendster (2007-09-30 22:43:54)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

well you are fortunate. you're the first person who get on my nerves. i know this is wrong arguing something to a member. but i just want to stress out some points about the harsh criticisms on some members here. u made your own image here, so what do you expect. anyway this is enough. im tired of this. i wanna quit. some people cant appreciate what are we doing and just highlighting the faults and mistakes. one more, and i will quit here. i can't believe this.

Last edited by eehjhay (2007-09-30 23:13:03)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

aw...what a sad ending.. :crybaby: il bring you back kuya eehjay.. :wallbash: and please.. RULES are RULES.. =) we made rules because we want to have a good forum.. :D as a member registered the forum.. he/she abides by the rules and agrees with it.. so.. no more further questioning, why this is like this and why this is like that??? [quote]Welcome to FriendsterTalk forum. The goal of this site is to be a fun place where Friendster users could hang out and discuss about anything. We support your freedom of speech, however we have a list of rules to go over. Read them carefully and follow them wisely. Warning and/or punishment will be issued to any offender. * 1. Use your common sense. * 2. Don't use language other than English (except in Regional Boards). * 3. Avoid using any foul and offensive words, ALL CAPS, sTiCkY cApS when posting. [b]* 4. No spamming and flamming in any form.[/b] * 5. No nudity and offensive content in any post including signatures and avatars. * 6. No other forum/site promotion posts. * 7. The usage of multiple accounts is not permitted. * 8. Multiple threads and posts with no purpose or clear direction are not allowed and will be considered as spam. * 9. Use descriptive title/subject for a new thread and post it on the right forum/category. Do some search before posting a new thread, to avoid thread duplication. * 10. Signatures. Don't use more than one banner. Don't make it excessive and annoying. Maximun image height for signature is 200 px. No audio or video allowed. We have the right to edit or remove objectionable signature. * 11. Reputation points. You can only give reputation point if you've been registered for more than 2 weeks and your posts are more than 100. Mods and admins are able to see who is giving the reputation, and we will taking action against people who abuse the reputation system. * 12. Posts about anything related to software piracy and other illegal activities are prohibited. * 13. Any kind of sales and promotion using forum post, private message, or any other forum features is not allowed. * 14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the best way to fight against spammers and troublemakers. FriendsterTalk Forums rules may change at anytime without prior notice. Registering to become a member is your explicit acknowledgement that you agree and will abide by these rules.[/quote] Flamming in any form can give you a very bad reputation. :|
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

yah i agree especially rule #4. No spamming and flamming in [b]any form.[/b] =) thanx xavier
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

:arrow: If you don't like the rules, why register in the first place?
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

So english at all times @ chatbox RIGHT?! As Rule #2 says.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

:arrow: ^ kindly read rule #1, global rules. [quote=meng.o3]:arrow: posting in tagalog in the cbox is okay :thumbsup: but in the threads, english is a must except in regional boards.[/quote] :arrow: is this still applicable =| coz i don't see any problems with this.
  • » Chat Box Banning shall be implemented on the Friendster Talk Chat Box on a member if... [li]If you're proven to have multiple accounts.[/li] [li]If you use profanities in the Chat Box.[/li] [li]If yo

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