Hahaha. Hey everybody! I will be known in the future as Dr Phan. Or maybe lawyer. Hahaha. If you don't watch the Simpsons, you'll probably think I am very weird. If you do... then only a little bit weird. Lol.
This is a bit of a belated response but I thought - what the heck - better now than never. Or maybe from your perspective, this is not the case.

How on earth am I supposed to start with this... I have so much to say about myself, as you can probably tell when you visit my eight foot long profile.

So much for simplicity. Hahaha. I enjoy being complicated. It's called being human. Or maybe not. What am I saying?!!! Of course I am not "human." I am too abnormal for that. Well, let's just say I am extra extra human. WAHAHAHA.
Right, I should stop humilliating myself. Why do I always make fun of myself? Geez, get a grip. Um. Stop talking to yourself. Hahaha. There I go again... I haven't said much have I ? I may have put a lot of little words together but I don't think I've actually said anything. Hahaha. Just go to my profile for more nonsensical ramblings... I mean... [i]delightfully [/i]nonsensical ramblings.