[quote=lollipox]i used to have a faker too. here's my url:
&& here's the faker's url :
she copied my pictures... including my pictures with my friends.!
&& the worst thing is., she claims my pictures as hers. D;
i really know how TERRiBLE it feels like. D;
i guess you just have to take it as a flattery in order to forget the fact that you're actually way too angry to that person who copied you. ;D[/quote]
Ow gad.
Laying it on thick. She has a lot of nerve!
And she can't even pronounce 'p'.

Well, fakers are...fake. LOL
I dislike fakers in general especially those who imitate others or use others' pictures (common among girls. Ew..) And, I'm not sure if this is counted, but I hate those who pretend to EMO's just to get attention/comments/friend requests (like one of my..classmates..-.-) They're making themselves sick.