siguro around chapter 10, taglish na.. haha kase yung naka save sakin almost chapter 9 na eh.. >_<
As Samantha walked along the corridor, she remembered that she had to quickly come back to the room for the discussion. She was about to enter when she saw a familiar guy. He was standing in front of the class, everyone looking at him, and the professor seemed to be unsatisfied. She gathered courage and made her presence noticeable.
“I’m sorry ma’am it took me so long.” Samantha’s eyes darted to the handsome yet annoying-looking guy. He looked more handsome in an up-close view
[b]CHAPTER 04[/b]
“It’s okay. Actually you’re just in time Ms. Villegas. Kindly lead Mr. Villanueva, your classmate who arrived late, to his seat. We’re about to discuss my rules and the sanctions, and to remind everyone that I do not tolerate tardiness.”
“Okay Ma’am.” Samantha led the way to their seats. The guy sat first. As Samantha sits, the guy gazed upon her, never taking his eyes off her.
Mr. Villanueva, Will, as his friends call him, is the son of a prominent businessman in the city. He was born in America but three years later they went back to the Philippines since his parents had a divorce because she found out he had a son with another woman whom he met at another country while he was on a business tour – which is a few months before their wedding. His dad stayed with his ‘other wife’ and went back to the Philippines to re-marry Will’s mother, after the death of his other wife. Will loves to play basketball. He was a former player of the Cubs, high school years, at RNU. He is popular especially with the girls. Most of his fans are highschool students, and some college students since the highschool department is in the same campus as the college department. For him, the atmosphere didn’t change. He had spent his entire school life at the very same university.
The professor is explaining her rules, yet Will is still staring at Samantha. Sam cannot stand Will looking at her. She looked on her left, where Will is sitting and gave an annoyed stare.
“So, Ms. Villegas huh...” Will said, grinning.
“Shut up.” Samantha said to Will, at the corner of her mouth.
“Hey, you wanna have lunch with me?”
Sam decided to ignore Will.
“You are free to yell at me, you know.” Will whispered to Sam.
“Okay, that’s it. Silence means yes, so I’m taking you to lunch.”
Samantha can’t take it anymore. She faced Will and shouted. “IN YOUR DREAMS!”
The whole class fell silent. Everybody was staring at them. The professor broke the ice.
“What is it Ms. Villegas? That’s rude. Aren’t you listening to the discussion? Or you just wanted to get attention?”
She looked embarrassed. Lots of things came to her mind. Including the thought that this was planned. That Will annoyed him so she would shout at him.
“I’m sorry Ma’am. I was just a bit annoyed by someone.”
The class went back to normal, and a few minutes later, the professor decided to dismiss the class early since it is just the first day of school.
“Goodbye Ma’am!” Several students bade her goodbye.
“So… Miss Rude Little Girl, …” Will started to talk to Samantha again.
“Don’t-you-ever-talk-to-me!” Samantha shouted the words clearly to his face. As if talking to a disabled person who don’t even understand a word.
Will liked teasing her. “Why? Afraid you might ---“
“Hi Miss Villegas!” A guy talked to Samantha. “I’m Louie Carl Bareño. You can call me Lou or Carl.” Lou introduced himself to Samantha.
“Oh, I’m Samantha Felicity Villegas. Don’t call me Ms. Villegas. I just forgot to tell you guys my name when I was in front. So you can either call me Sam or Liz. It’s your choice.” Samantha felt at ease with Lou. She was glad someone human talked to her. She felt as if she was saved from a monster, as if she went back to earth and had an earthling talking to her, instead of her Martian seatmate.
“Sam. Liz. Wow. Nice names huh. By the way, how come a cute girl like you decided to take up Civil Engineering? I mean, you should have been on Psychology, Business Ad, or even at Fashion School?” Lou was astounded by Sam’s beauty. She’s not actually a goddess-type beauty. There’s really something on her that makes her glow.
“Thanks,” Samantha was flattered. “Actually, I just love Math, and uhm… I’m about to find out why. Hahaha…”
“Ows… She’s either lesbian or just diggin’ out guys.” Will said, smirking.
“Excuse me, but are you part of this conversation? And, in case you haven’t understood what I said earlier, may I repeat to you –“
“Don’t you ever talk to me” Will mimicked Sam.
“Hey Man, take it easy, you keep on annoying her. Has she done anything to you?” Lou cut in.
“Let’s just say she had a crush on me the moment she saw me at a resto.”
“Hey you big headed jerk! I will never ever have a crush on someone like you!” Samantha was about to stand up and leave, but Will grabbed her hand.
Will advanced to Samantha. He stood up, gently pushed Samantha down to her chair. He was so close to her face. He was near her ear. Others might have thought he’s about to kiss her from another view.
“Then why were you staring at me that night?” Will whispered to Sam’s ears.
If it wasn’t for her long hair covering a part of her face, others might notice her blushing. Yes she was really staring at him that night. But why is she blushing? She doesn’t have a clue too. Is it because he’s so near, so near that Will doesn’t even need to exert an effort to kiss her? Or has she had enough embarrassments for the day?
Samantha gathered strength. I cannot let this guy think he’s the boss. Sam thought.
“Why? Is it a crime to stare?” She looked at him, her eyes widened, as if scaring the ghost out of him. But then, the closer he is, and the longer she stares, Will’s face looked like someone Sam knew.
Will looked straight to Sam’s eyes. He wasn’t blinking at all. Sam wanted to move her eyes away from him, but that would have mean that she had lost an unannounced battle. They both stared at each other directly to the eyes. No one dared to blink. Will noticed Sam’s dark brown eyes. Sam looked intently at Will’s little eyes.
“The professor’s near,” someone who just walked in announced to the class.
“Now we’re even! If you stare at me again, you’ll know what will happen.” Will smiled at Sam. Whenever Will smiles, his eyes seem to be like slits. He has some Chinese blood, one-fourth perhaps?
The professor went inside. Everybody stood up.
“Good afternoon. You may all sit down. I am Mrs. Ferrer, your General Chemistry professor.” Everyone looked at her. Despite her age, she still looked pretty. As the class is mostly male-dominated, majority looked intently at her. “I will be handling your lecture class as well as your laboratory classes. Since this is the first day, we’ll just have a little orientation. So, for the meantime, I will group you into three, so we’ll have ten groups for laboratory. This will be by random, so I'll call a number.
--- number 6.” She looked at the class list. “Mr. Bareño.” Lou stood up. “Give me a number.”
“Uhm, how about Christmas ma’am? I'll take number 25.” He looked at Sam, smiling.
“Number 25. Mr. Villanueva.” Will raised his hand. Lou was shocked. “Another number please”
“Then I'll get 26 ma’am” Will did not looked at anyone.
Samantha felt it was her, or rather, knew it was her. She wanted to team up with Lou. But she has to be with Will if she wants to be with Lou.
[b]“Ms. Villegas, it’s you.” Sam didn’t know if she has to be happy or not. She just nodded at the professor.[/b]
Last edited by meng.o3 (2008-05-21 12:27:47)