• » [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

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[align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

[align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

[align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for two? [url=http://cyberlakad.com/entry/a-heart-for-two/]CHAPTER ONE[/url]. NOW OUT. [hr] [b]CHAPTER ONE[/b] [sub](massive amount of text ahead. click the spoiler to read chapter one)[/sub] [spoiler]Sam never spent a whole year with her parents. Every morning she would hope that her mom would make her a special breakfast. She spent her high school life with her brother. Living with both parents abroad is not easy. Aside from the fact that they are not by your side, you need to deal with things either your way, or other people's way. Samantha is a woman of strength, that is, because she never had difficulties in life. Although there might be, she never paid attention to it. After all, there's always her kuya Andrei to the rescue. Samantha Felicity Villegas is a proud sister of the star player in the basketball team of one of the country's top universities, Regina Natividad University. Neil Andrei Villegas is a very caring brother, two years older than Samantha. He fulfills his promise to their parents that he would look for his sister. It was not easy for his part, but still he sees to it that his sister is doing well. Samantha is spoiled, but not a brat. Andrei did his job well. He guided his sister into being a young lady with good attitude. Samantha is lucky to have such a nice brother. Or was she unlucky? She never had a boyfriend. Either she's afraid of her brother or the guy is afraid of Samantha's brother, or both, no one actually knows. In short, she is a member of the 'No Boyfriend Since Birth Society'. Graduation day has come. Samantha finally leaves her high school life. It was just sad that her parents were not there to attend her graduation. It was her brother who accompanied her to the stage to put on her medal. She was, the salutatorian. They celebrated the occasion in one of her brother's favorite restaurant. And from a distance, Samantha saw someone... [i]This guy... am I having a dream? Why do I have an unexplainable feeling?[/i] The guy Samantha just saw looks like one of those hot Koreanovela guys who just went out of the television to make girls drool over him. [i]I think... I think I saw him before...[/i] "Sammie, I'll just go to the washroom okay?" and Drei stood up, walked to the direction that leads to the washroom. The guy seemed to notice Samantha looking at him. Out of nowhere, he appeared in front of her. "Hi miss..." said the guy, and sat in Drei's chair. “...your date is late right?" He seemed to be not the guy Samantha is expecting. From afar he looked perfect. The moment he speaks, he would seem as if the most annoying man on earth you would ever encounter your whole life. “Actually, I’m not here on a date. I’m with my brother, and we’re celebrating my graduation!” Samantha never encountered a rude guy before. Then again, she doesn’t necessarily need to explain everything to the guy. “Take it easy miss…” the guy said, and smiled. “See yah around!” The guy left with a smile, looked back at Samantha and winked. Samantha felt annoyed with the guy, but his face seemed familiar to her. The guy’s face never left her mind that day. She kept on telling herself that he had met him before, somewhere, in her past life, her current life, she really can’t figure out. * * * “So, have you decided where to study?” Drei said one night, when they were having dinner. “Do I have to think it over? Of course I will study at your university. Imagine, the ever-pretty sister of the star player will be at the same school as yours! Two Villegas-es! Exciting!!!” “Hey! Cut the daydreaming.” “Sorry kuya. Seriously, I want to go to your school. Pleaseeee…” Samantha is very excited with the thought of her, going to the same university as her brother. But Drei looks troubled. He’s very serious and was thinking of something. “Kuya, are you okay? Is something bothering you?” Samantha has noticed the state of his brother. “I’m fine, I’m fine. Nothing to worry!” and Drei flashed a fake smile. “Don’t lie to me kuya. Your smile is a fake. You know I can fully understand you. You have used that before. Tell me what’s wrong.” “Honestly, I don’t think I will still be the captain this year…” Samantha was shocked. She can’t believe what she heard. Drei’s wish is to be a good player and the best captain. He had shown great effort in bringing the school pride. It was near impossible to have someone better than him. “But why…? You’re the best player RNU has ever had. The team without you being the captain won’t be the same. That can’t possibly happen.” “Well, coach seems to be anticipating a newcomer. He always says that we need to practice so that we, especially I, can be able to show these newcomers how good we are and how determined we are to sort the good ones from the try outs.” “Does that mean that there’s a probability of unknown percentage that when I enter the University, my kuya won’t be the captain anymore? Noooooo………” “Hey Sammie! Daydreaming is not good you know. Besides, it’s just a possibility. And don’t go overboard with that ‘my-kuya-is-a-star-player’ attitude. I know you can do well on your own, you can build up your own name, and you don’t need my name in order for you to be known. You’re a natural charmer; people will be good to you not because you’re related to me but because you present yourself well. Always remember that, okay?” “Well, yeah, okay. But still, I won’t let that happen. I know my kuya is happy whenever he plays and brings victory to the university, and he’s the best. I won’t accept that there is someone better than my bro!” “Haha. Thanks sis, go and change, sleep well and we’ll arrange your papers for college tomorrow.” “Goodnight my dear kuya!” “Goodnight Sammie!” Samantha is determined to enter Regina Natividad University. Now that she knows what’s bothering her brother, she can’t help but think of a way that would have his brother retain his current position as the captain of the basketball team. The two of them arranged necessary documents for Samantha’s enrollment. After attending the orientation, Samantha is now an official student of Regina Natividad University, the school of her beloved brother. They decided to have a stroll at the mall to refresh and at the same time to buy stuffs for school. Samantha went to buy her stuffs and Drei took care of his stuffs. “Sam! Where will you use all those notebooks???” Drei was shocked to see a number of notebooks in Sam’s basket, almost ten. “And how come Barbie’s in it?” “Kuya! I never missed a Barbie notebook every school year. You know that very well.” “I know, I know, but this year, you’ll already be in college. You don’t need those tons of notebooks for every subject.” “But kuya…” Samantha still insists on the ten-plus Barbie notebooks. “No buts. Stay there I'll look for a cute binder for you.” Samantha was so disappointed. She never thought this would be a problem. Although she knows that her kuya knows what’s best for her, she’s still craving for those cute Barbie notebooks.[/spoiler] [b]“Oooh… little girl didn’t get Barbie! She’s gonna cry…”[/b]

Last edited by meng.o3 (2010-05-19 16:09:56)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

*nose bleed* haha, jaz kidding... i think this is an excitng story i'm glad you shared it, ate meng. naisip ko lang di kaya ung na-meet nya s restaurant will be one of those basketball players na papasok sa RNU? jaz a wild guess :D
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

^ yeah i agree with you. baka ganun nga... :lol: well anyway.. parang exciting yung story naman.. :P next na po.. :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

^ well, i think we should only speak english here. as you can see, it is an english story. @topic: well, can i join the "no boyfriend since birth society"?=| and i can see that college is really different from high school. i hope i can survive college.=|
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

^ ohh im sorry.. :D sorry for bein off topic.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:arrow: it's your choice, freedom wall ang thread ko. siguro after a few chapters i'll make it taglish na (?) im not yet sure.. haha.. several chapters kasi are in english. :penguin: [hr] [b]CHAPTER 02[/b] Samantha was so disappointed. She never thought this would be a problem. Although she knows that her kuya knows what’s best for her, she’s still craving for those cute Barbie notebooks. [b]“Oooh… little girl didn’t get Barbie! She’s gonna cry…”[/b] Someone from the other side of the shelf appeared. It seems that the guy heard the argument between Samantha and her brother. “You again! Why do you always follow me???” Samantha shouted at the same guy she saw at the restaurant. “Whaaaaaat??? Hey miss, you’re cute and all, but you’re not my type!” As the guy said those words, Samantha’s eyes widened. “And I do not go for college girls who act like third grade brats.” “You’re so annoying! So arrogant! I hate you!” The people around them were so busy that none looked at them. It’s as if they weren’t having an argument because the people don’t notice them. “You know what, miss? I don’t care. It doesn’t affect me at all. Hate me, who cares?” The guy really aims to annoy Samantha. He even smiled to taunt her. “And for the record, I am not following you. It just so happened that a college guy like me went to this bookstore to buy my college things for I am an incoming freshman.” And he flashed the annoying smile again. “Really? So you’re saying college guys use Spongebob Crayolas???” “Huh?” The guy looked at his basket, and there was really a Spongebob Crayola Set. “AH, oh this? This is my sister’s. Why? You want this? You’re really childish.” Samantha’s attack bounced back. For a second she thought that she had won over the annoying guy. But then again, she just found herself annoyed again with the guy. “Grrrr… Don’t let me see your face again!” Samantha exclaimed, and they both went on opposite ways. [i]But hey, those Spongebob Crayolas are waaaaay cute![/i] * * * “Sam! Wake up! You’ll be late for your first day! Hurry up. If you don’t fix yourself quickly, you’ll be going to school by yourself!” Drei is a fan of time-management. He freaks out if there’s less time, although he works best when under time pressure, he still don’t like to waste time. Samantha quickly took a bath and brought along her breakfast. She decided to eat on the way so she can save more time. When it comes to eating, she never had any talent to eat fast. “Sheesh kuya, why are you so worked up? It’s only 6 am and we’re on our way to school already?” Sam took a bite at the toast Aling Selia, their housekeeper, made for breakfast. “What’s your first subject?” Drei asked Samantha while driving. He always go to school using his own sports car that his parents gave to him during his birthday, the same month when his license was released. “Uhm, English On—“ she was about to say one but stopped just before she finished the word. She looked again at her computerized schedule and looked at Drei, with her eyes wide, as if ready to eat Drei alive. “Kuyaaaaaaaaaaa! My class is English I at 10 am! I need to wait hours for that subject! Gadd, kuya, I should have still been sleeping upto now!” It is indeed still early. It is Drei’s everyday routine to go to school as early as 7am to have some morning practices at the gym. It’s an ordinary day for Drei, but not for Samantha. She is used to waking up late, where the sun is brightly shining. “What’s the point of being angry? Your rants would just go to nowhere. You know what, why not take a look around? Since it’s still early and you don’t have anything to do, familiarize yourself with the place.” Drei is actually trying to encourage Samantha to take a trip around the campus, that way, it can take away the anger inside. “Hay kuya, Can’t I just go with you? I’m sure you still don’t have classes.” “I’m going to the gym. I will do my morning routine. In a few minutes my teammates would also be there, and haven’t you forgotten that I do not want you to stick with me during practice days? We talked about it before right?” “But kuya….” Samantha flashed the cute little puppy eyes, she really want to come. “Sorry Sam, I’ll just see you later okay?” * * * It’s still early and there are only a few people in the campus. It’s the first day of school and yet very few students. Most of them might still be having their vacations, or the idea of going to school might still be floating above their heads. The atmosphere in Regina Natividad University is still calm. Very relaxing. On the right of Samantha, several plants of different kinds flank the pathway leading to the gym. On her left was a spacious court big enough to have volleyball, tennis and basketball court to fit in. Several steps in front of her stood a magnificent fountain. At night, different colors of lights are directed to it to make a dramatic effect. It was one of Regina Maria’s most treasured jewels. It is home to many confessions and proposals. It is also one of the reasons why most girls would like to spend their college at the university. Of course Samantha never knew about the romantic background of this fountain. All she knows about it is that it is where most of the basketball team’s photos were taken. The [i]El Extravagante Fountain[/i], as most students call it, holds many secrets. It also witnessed several events out of an ordinary student’s life. Samantha was amazed by the wonderful fountain and decided to go near it. Little did she know that this fountain would then again witness a part of a new student’s life. [b]“Little girl’s gonna play with water? That’s not good! You might get sick and drink awful medicine.” [/b] [hr]

Last edited by meng.o3 (2008-05-19 09:58:06)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

ohh first to comment. :lol: maybe that guy she saw in the restaurant will be the replacemtn for her kuya :eh: i dont know.. hahaha :D nice story..
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

Ate Meng-meng.. Nice story.. Next chapter please.. :D
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

nice story... love it...:thumbsup:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

exciting story you've got there...i wonder where this will lead to...haha...waiting for the next chapter!
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

ate meng. next na.. :lol: :lol:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:arrow: Hala hala. osige. :lol: Lowengs!! AMISYU! [hr] [b]CHAPTER 03[/b] “Little girl’s gonna play with water? That’s not good! You might get sick and drink awful medicine.” Someone was watching Samantha from afar, and the moment she went near the fountain, the guy went near her. “How many times do you have to appear in my life?” Samantha is angry with the guy. She never expected her first day would have a bad start. She keeps on telling herself that there’s no way this guy could possibly be a student in the same school as her. But she can’t convince herself. “Hmmm… since you are in the campus, I guess you’re a student here. You see, I’m currently enrolled in this university, which means that I am your schoolmate from now on. Oh, and about your question, I think, maybe at least once a day.” He flashed again his very irritating smile, and left. He couldn’t believe he is in the same school as the girl he saw in their restaurant. At that time, he felt someone was looking at him and the moment he turned around, he saw the girl looking at her. He decided to approach the girl, thinking she needs something. But as she walked towards their table, he felt something inside him became alive. From that day on, he knew he would see her again. That’s what he always prays at night. “Could this day get any worse?” Samantha asked herself. She can’t believe that she would spend her entire college life in the same campus with the person whom she hated. [quote][b]1 text message received[/b] [i]Hey, let’s hav brunch b4 ur class..meet me @ d cafeteria[/i][/quote] Samantha headed for the cafeteria. The café occupies a considerable amount of lot. At noon, hungry students would fill this big cafeteria. Although there are fastfood chains near the school, most students would still have their lunch at the school café. Aside from the fact that the area is a wi-fi zone, it is also home to delicious foods. Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indo, you name it – they have them. “How was your tour?” Drei asked. “Fine.” “Are you okay?” “Yea.” “You seem to have encountered a ghost.” Drei is trying to control himself. He really wanted to laugh. “Eh?” Samantha did seem to have encountered a ghost. “Hey! Miss Samantha, pull yourself together! First impression lasts so make sure to have a good one.” [b]English Communication I – 10am[/b] “Armelio. Okay Mr. Armelio, introduce yourself first then seat on this side. The next person I’m going to call will seat beside the person who introduced before you.” The professor instructed the class about their respective seats. It is normal for every first day to introduce yourself, and by seating alphabetically, it can help the professor quickly remember the students’ names. Samantha seemed nervous. Although she is used in public speaking way back highschool, she never spoke in front of an entire class - with boys, lots of them. She was from an all girl school. [i]What am I gonna say? Can I just say ‘Hi! I am Samantha Felicity Villegas, the sis of the star player, you know, Drei Villegas!’ But that would be rude. As in completely rude![/i] “Villanueva. Villanueva! Is Mr. Villanueva here?” Nobody responded. It seemed that Mr. Villanueva is absent. “Oh, he’s not here. Just leave a seat for him. Next is Ms. Villegas.” Samantha stood up. “Wow. I’m surprised we have a wonderful girl in the class, and I’m wondering why you took this course.” Samantha was flattered. She’s not used in being called wonderful girl, or any praise alike, because there are several girls way more beautiful and wonderful than her in her former school. There, she’s just an ordinary girl. “Good afternoon everyone!” Samantha greeted the class very lively. She wondered why everyone quickly looked at her. Others with confused faces, others seemed to be smiling, rather laughing inside. “It’s ‘Good Morning’ Ms. Villegas. You seemed to be very advanced huh? Anyway, continue.” The professor noticed the silence and decided to correct her. “Ha, haha..” Samantha nervously laughed. “Gotcha guys! Haha. I just checked if you are really listening!” she joked, covering up for the mistake. She felt embarrassed. “Hey classmate! Do you happen to know Drei Villegas?” the guy in the front row asked. “Uh, the basketball captain? Yeah.” Of course she know him. But she never told them that he is her brother. She decided to take his brother’s advice; to make a name of her own. The class introduction continued. After the last person introduced, the professor proceeded to the class orientation. “Class, written on the board are the requirements in order for you to pass my subject. Kindly take note.” Silence was heard amongst the students. All were busy writing down the requirements, hoping to make a good impression. “Ma’am, I'll just go to the cr.” Samantha asked her professor. “Sure miss. Just be sure to be back within ten minutes. We’ll be having a little discussion.” The students were in discussion with one another. Most were finished copying the requirements. Then a guy appeared on the door. “Good morning everyone. Sorry Ma’am I’m late.” “Mr. Villanueva, I don’t care if your family have connections with this university, but you should be aware of your own schedule and avoid being late, especially in my class. I do not want to be disrespected in this manner. I hate tardiness.” Although the professor doesn’t show anger, the way Mr. Villanueva treated her class lightly was an offense. She felt disrespected. “I’m sorry Mrs. Reyes. It won’t happen again.” As Samantha walked along the corridor, she remembered that she had to quickly come back to the room for the discussion. She was about to enter when she saw a familiar guy. He was standing in front of the class, everyone looking at him, and the professor seemed to be unsatisfied. She gathered courage and made her presence noticeable. “I’m sorry ma’am it took me so long.” [b]Samantha’s eyes darted to the handsome yet annoying-looking guy. He looked more handsome in an up-close view.[/b]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

aww .. bitin pa ah .. maybe they`re right..the guy that she saw will be a replacement for her kuya.. but her first reaction when she met the guy is, she thinks that she seen him before .. hmmm
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

waaa nice one mareh! :D i think it's still ok in english. wak mong i-taglish mareh. lols. dun sa gustong itaglish toh, wahh.. nasimulan na kc e... :P update more mareh. :)
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

hahaha.. nice chappie. :P taglish nalang ate meng XD :lol: :lol: jk. next na :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

nose bleed naman ako dun ate meng.. xD nakakabitin. :wow: next chappie.. :D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

cliffhanger...haha...hintayin ko next chapter!!!
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

kakanosblid nga =D hahaha. :arrow: next naaaaaa. :P hahaha
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:arrow: siguro around chapter 10, taglish na.. haha kase yung naka save sakin almost chapter 9 na eh.. >_< [hr] As Samantha walked along the corridor, she remembered that she had to quickly come back to the room for the discussion. She was about to enter when she saw a familiar guy. He was standing in front of the class, everyone looking at him, and the professor seemed to be unsatisfied. She gathered courage and made her presence noticeable. “I’m sorry ma’am it took me so long.” Samantha’s eyes darted to the handsome yet annoying-looking guy. He looked more handsome in an up-close view [b]CHAPTER 04[/b] “It’s okay. Actually you’re just in time Ms. Villegas. Kindly lead Mr. Villanueva, your classmate who arrived late, to his seat. We’re about to discuss my rules and the sanctions, and to remind everyone that I do not tolerate tardiness.” “Okay Ma’am.” Samantha led the way to their seats. The guy sat first. As Samantha sits, the guy gazed upon her, never taking his eyes off her. Mr. Villanueva, Will, as his friends call him, is the son of a prominent businessman in the city. He was born in America but three years later they went back to the Philippines since his parents had a divorce because she found out he had a son with another woman whom he met at another country while he was on a business tour – which is a few months before their wedding. His dad stayed with his ‘other wife’ and went back to the Philippines to re-marry Will’s mother, after the death of his other wife. Will loves to play basketball. He was a former player of the Cubs, high school years, at RNU. He is popular especially with the girls. Most of his fans are highschool students, and some college students since the highschool department is in the same campus as the college department. For him, the atmosphere didn’t change. He had spent his entire school life at the very same university. The professor is explaining her rules, yet Will is still staring at Samantha. Sam cannot stand Will looking at her. She looked on her left, where Will is sitting and gave an annoyed stare. “So, Ms. Villegas huh...” Will said, grinning. “Shut up.” Samantha said to Will, at the corner of her mouth. “Hey, you wanna have lunch with me?” Sam decided to ignore Will. “You are free to yell at me, you know.” Will whispered to Sam. Silence. “Okay, that’s it. Silence means yes, so I’m taking you to lunch.” Samantha can’t take it anymore. She faced Will and shouted. “IN YOUR DREAMS!” The whole class fell silent. Everybody was staring at them. The professor broke the ice. “What is it Ms. Villegas? That’s rude. Aren’t you listening to the discussion? Or you just wanted to get attention?” She looked embarrassed. Lots of things came to her mind. Including the thought that this was planned. That Will annoyed him so she would shout at him. “I’m sorry Ma’am. I was just a bit annoyed by someone.” The class went back to normal, and a few minutes later, the professor decided to dismiss the class early since it is just the first day of school. “Goodbye Ma’am!” Several students bade her goodbye. “So… Miss Rude Little Girl, …” Will started to talk to Samantha again. “Don’t-you-ever-talk-to-me!” Samantha shouted the words clearly to his face. As if talking to a disabled person who don’t even understand a word. Will liked teasing her. “Why? Afraid you might ---“ “Hi Miss Villegas!” A guy talked to Samantha. “I’m Louie Carl Bareño. You can call me Lou or Carl.” Lou introduced himself to Samantha. “Oh, I’m Samantha Felicity Villegas. Don’t call me Ms. Villegas. I just forgot to tell you guys my name when I was in front. So you can either call me Sam or Liz. It’s your choice.” Samantha felt at ease with Lou. She was glad someone human talked to her. She felt as if she was saved from a monster, as if she went back to earth and had an earthling talking to her, instead of her Martian seatmate. “Sam. Liz. Wow. Nice names huh. By the way, how come a cute girl like you decided to take up Civil Engineering? I mean, you should have been on Psychology, Business Ad, or even at Fashion School?” Lou was astounded by Sam’s beauty. She’s not actually a goddess-type beauty. There’s really something on her that makes her glow. “Thanks,” Samantha was flattered. “Actually, I just love Math, and uhm… I’m about to find out why. Hahaha…” “Ows… She’s either lesbian or just diggin’ out guys.” Will said, smirking. “Excuse me, but are you part of this conversation? And, in case you haven’t understood what I said earlier, may I repeat to you –“ “Don’t you ever talk to me” Will mimicked Sam. “Hey Man, take it easy, you keep on annoying her. Has she done anything to you?” Lou cut in. “Let’s just say she had a crush on me the moment she saw me at a resto.” “Hey you big headed jerk! I will never ever have a crush on someone like you!” Samantha was about to stand up and leave, but Will grabbed her hand. Will advanced to Samantha. He stood up, gently pushed Samantha down to her chair. He was so close to her face. He was near her ear. Others might have thought he’s about to kiss her from another view. “Then why were you staring at me that night?” Will whispered to Sam’s ears. If it wasn’t for her long hair covering a part of her face, others might notice her blushing. Yes she was really staring at him that night. But why is she blushing? She doesn’t have a clue too. Is it because he’s so near, so near that Will doesn’t even need to exert an effort to kiss her? Or has she had enough embarrassments for the day? Samantha gathered strength. I cannot let this guy think he’s the boss. Sam thought. “Why? Is it a crime to stare?” She looked at him, her eyes widened, as if scaring the ghost out of him. But then, the closer he is, and the longer she stares, Will’s face looked like someone Sam knew. Will looked straight to Sam’s eyes. He wasn’t blinking at all. Sam wanted to move her eyes away from him, but that would have mean that she had lost an unannounced battle. They both stared at each other directly to the eyes. No one dared to blink. Will noticed Sam’s dark brown eyes. Sam looked intently at Will’s little eyes. “The professor’s near,” someone who just walked in announced to the class. “Now we’re even! If you stare at me again, you’ll know what will happen.” Will smiled at Sam. Whenever Will smiles, his eyes seem to be like slits. He has some Chinese blood, one-fourth perhaps? The professor went inside. Everybody stood up. “Good afternoon. You may all sit down. I am Mrs. Ferrer, your General Chemistry professor.” Everyone looked at her. Despite her age, she still looked pretty. As the class is mostly male-dominated, majority looked intently at her. “I will be handling your lecture class as well as your laboratory classes. Since this is the first day, we’ll just have a little orientation. So, for the meantime, I will group you into three, so we’ll have ten groups for laboratory. This will be by random, so I'll call a number. --- number 6.” She looked at the class list. “Mr. Bareño.” Lou stood up. “Give me a number.” “Uhm, how about Christmas ma’am? I'll take number 25.” He looked at Sam, smiling. “Number 25. Mr. Villanueva.” Will raised his hand. Lou was shocked. “Another number please” “Then I'll get 26 ma’am” Will did not looked at anyone. Samantha felt it was her, or rather, knew it was her. She wanted to team up with Lou. But she has to be with Will if she wants to be with Lou. [b]“Ms. Villegas, it’s you.” Sam didn’t know if she has to be happy or not. She just nodded at the professor.[/b]

Last edited by meng.o3 (2008-05-21 12:27:47)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

hahaha.. nice story ate meng... i missed you too.. next chapter na. naeexcite na ku..
  • » [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

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