this is a very long chapter.
[b]Chapter 23 [1/2][/b]
Danica and Will stayed over for the night. [i]Will doesn’t want Sam to know, he was worried that Sam might not sleep well. He must have really loved her.[/i] Franz thought.
Will was sleeping on the couch and Danica was still at the bedside. She’s not yet asleep.
“Oh, finally, you’re awake!” Franz just smiled at her.
“How are you? Do I need to call the doctor or anything?”
“Just the nurse,” Franz said in a weak voice. “Tell her I’m awake. Maybe they’ll put something on me or anything.”
Danica pushed the nurse call button near the bedside desk. The nurse arrived and did some check ups on Franz.
“There’s nothing to worry. The damage wasn’t severe.”
“How long do I need to stay here?”
“You can be discharged tomorrow morning and have your rest at home, but I suggest since it’s the weekend, why not stay until tomorrow evening? Or ‘til Sunday?” The nurse smiled sweetly at Franz. Obviously, she had a crush on him. “And he can stay here as well, to look for you.” She pointed at Will.
“Thank you, Ms. Nurse. I think that’s all?” Danica asked the nurse, wanting her to get out.
“Take your rest.” She told Franz, and sarcastically smiled at Danica.
“Looks like she likes you!” Danica taunted Franz.
“Yeah right!”
“Wait, she said you need to take your rest ‘til tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I heard it right.”
“What about Sam?”
“You know her?”
“Just bumped into her weeks ago, but that’s not important, what’s important is about you and Sam.”
“What about us?”
“Duh, Franz…you asked her to come to the fountain tomorrow right?”
“Aren’t you worried? She’ll be waiting there, and you’re here?”
“I can manage it. Just take your rest okay?”
Danica was still puzzled on as to how Franz will handle the situation. He can get out of the hospital, but it’s not like Mommy Carla will allow him to get out of the house tomorrow if ever he gets out of the hospital. Danica stayed up all night thinking about it. She’s worried. She had made a wrong move in telling Sam that Will likes her, Danica. The only thing she can do in order not to feel guilty about it is to make Sam happy, to make her happy and make sure that Franz shows up tomorrow.
“Will! Will! Wake up!”
“Hahabishibushiewegheshizasee!” Will was alarmed by Danica’s sudden intrusion in his peaceful sleep. “What’s the matter with you?”
“What’s the matter with you, not me.” Danica looked at her watch. “Tell me, are you or are you not late for your call time? In case you haven’t noticed, it’s Saturday.”
“Oh gadd! Why didn’t you woke me up earlier!”
“Hello?? I was waking you up for almost an hour! I even plucked several hair, sleepy head!” Danica showed him his own hair. Will touched his head.
“How come I didn’t feel it?”
“I don’t care if you haven’t felt it, or whatever! Hurry up and go home! It’s already 11am! Drei might be wondering where you are.”
“Okay, okay…so sad you won’t be able to watch.” Will faked a frown.
“Who cares? Stop that childishness, and get out!”
Will rushed out of the room. He’s late for the 10 am call time.
“So, Franz how’s your arm?” He was riding in a taxi on the way to the school when an FX hit the taxi. He bumped onto the side of the cab and had his arm injured.
“I think it’s okay.” Franz looked at the clock. “Do you think he can make it?”
“Why do you worry about Will? Have you already thought of something for Sam later?”
“Yes. That’s why I’m asking if Will can make it.”
“Can you explain it to me? I can’t understand whatever you’re planning.”
“Okay, I need Will to fetch Sam at the fountain, then ---“
“But there’s a match!” Danica cut in. “He won’t make it. Just ask the driver.”
“No. I need Will, he’s the person I can trust.” Franz insisted.
“Well, what if he can’t?”
“Then I'll have to go there myself.”
“You know you’re not allowed to get out.”
“Then I'll try everything, even if it means getting rid of you,” Franz joked. “It’s just my arm anyway, I can still walk.”
“Even if it’s just an arm, you know Mommy Carla too well. She’s overprotective. As if she’ll allow you? She might have even instructed the hospital security to make sure you’re fine here.”
“I don’t care. If it’s for Sam, I'll do everything.”
Danica thought for a moment. Franz was really decided to meet Sam today.
“I…I'll try to call Will and see if he can make it.”
Danica called up Will. He wasn’t picking up. Drei probably is scolding him as of this moment. She decided to just leave a message.
[quote][i]Call me ASAP.[/i][/quote]
Expectedly, Will was late for the call time.
“Sorry captain, I was ---“ Will was about to tell Drei that he spent the night at the hospital accompanying Franz who had an accident but he saw Sam approaching. “I overslept.”
“Wow. What a good thing to do, - oversleeping, especially if you want to be a captain.” Strike One. Drei might be removing him now from his soon-to-be-captain list.
“Won’t happen again…sorry.”
“Kuya, I won’t be able to finish your match. I need to go somewhere at 4pm.”
“And where are you going?” Drei asked Sam.
“At school, I just need to do something.”
“Can’t it wait?”
“No kuya, remember what I told you last time? Actually, I’m about to say ---“
“We’ll talk later.” Drei said, noticing that Will was still standing there, and obviously heard what they’re talking about.