• » [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

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[align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

» FTalkAgent
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Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

oh geez,so masosolo na ni franz si sammie? panu na si will nyan? kaasar nman kc yang will na yan eh. i lab yer work ate meng.. i enjoyed reading it since pas 9am from chap3 til here..[adik mode]
xxGiRL NeXT DooRxx
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

aww...cmon..updte..updte...heheheh gud job anyway.. =) :thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:Arrow: A Super duper mega to max over SORRY to everyone who reads my story. I know it's been weeks since i've last updated. i'm soooo soooo sorry. it's a short update, but still..please do enjoy. :D [hr] [b]Chapter 27[/b] Franz was glad that Drei allowed Sam to go with him. Sam thanked Drei so much that she helped him pack up for the two-week camp. Franz didn’t stay long because he still needs to check the restaurant – his stepmom’s orders, since Will won’t be able to do it. He might be packing up for the camp too. “Drei, Sam, have your dinner first.” Aling Seling called out, “I'll help you too later. Eat first.” “Nay Seling, you can have the week off next week.” Drei told Aling Seling. “Since Sam will be out with the Villanuevas next week, you can go home or visit your daughter.” “Thank you very much Drei. I'll make sure everything’s in order before I leave, and I will really take care of your sister.” “Just enjoy the week.” “But it’s sad that your parents can’t come home this sembreak.” “It’s okay.” Sam said, “Mom said they’ll be extending their vacation on Christmas holiday. They might be here for more than a month.” The three of them ate together and talked about their plans for the week. As soon as they had finished eating, they went back to packing. Drei went to camp early morning, and Sam wasn’t able to see him off. She decided to clean up her room since she doesn’t have anything to do for the whole day. * * * Drei arrived at the Sports Camp together with the RNU athletes. The day started off with lectures and seminars. They had their rest later that day. The Lions shared a room. “Haaaay, I’m so tired!” DJ exclaimed. “I should have brought along my sister.” Drei said, stretching. “I need her massage now.” “I need her too.” Mico dreamily said. “Shut up.” Drei threw a pillow at him. Will went out of the bathroom who just took a shower. He looked at everyone. Surely, they were all tired. “Hey you guys! You don’t have energy anymore?” Will said laughing. “Who wants a massage?” Everyone, except Drei, raised their hands. “I think the captain needs one,” Mico said, pointing at Drei who was about to get out of the room. “Nah, I don’t need his massage.” Drei said, without looking at them. “C’mon captain! It’s for free. I know you need one.” “It’s actually okay you know…” Will encouragingly said. Drei can’t resist and he badly needs one, so without further hesitation, he agreed. “Thanks Will, I owe you one.” * * * The athletes went under extensive training, and everyone was really pushed to their limits. It’s like being in a military school. Everyone trained very hard. Their meals are monitored, and consist mainly of protein and all necessary energy builders their body needs. For the second week, the athletes will be under leadership and teamwork activities. They were grouped into teams composed of athletes from different schools, so they need to get along with people whom are not part of their own school. For the first activity, it’s basketball. Drei was grouped with several good players, and they were chose to play the first game. It was Drei’s team versus…Will’s team. It was an intense playoff and Drei’s team is leading by eight points. It was Drei holding the ball, guarded by Will, and was about to shoot it when the referee called foul. Drei had a bad fall and his ankle was injured. “Captain, I’m sorry…” Will helped Drei to stand up, but Drei is in total pain. Will was very sorry about what had happened that he badly blames himself. Drei was rushed to the clinic; Will came along too. “It wasn’t that critical.” The doctor said. “But I’m afraid you can’t continue playing today.” “But he’ll surely be alright, doc?” Will asked, worried. “Of course, but because of the slightly torn ligament, he needs to rest for at least a week. I'll ask the staff to give him a form and allow him to go home.” “But…I can’t leave the camp.” Drei told the doctor. Well, of course, there’s nobody home. “You need to. We only have a clinic here, and I cannot attend to your injury, since we don’t have enough apparatus here. I'll ask them to allow you to go home, and for you to visit the hospital too.” “Don’t worry captain…since it was my fault in the first place ---“ “Don’t blame yourself Will. It’s an accident, it’s normal in a game.” Drei stayed in the clinic for the night with Will frequently checking him. He found out that one of the reasons why Drei doesn’t want to go home was that he doesn’t want to be a burden to Aling Seling whom he allowed to have a vacation.
xxGiRL NeXT DooRxx
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

aww..so short..hehhehe.. cme on..update agen..hahaha:lol:
» FTalkManiac
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Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

short update pero ok na rin. at least may update. ^^ more updates to come. . .
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:arrow: super duper over mega to the nth power Sorry. T_T loads of school work and event pressures. and i should be preparing for my stat interuniversity quiz. >_< but i'll try to cut down the chapters that i've drafted..so i can finish the story TTTTT________TTTTT
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

aww..kawawa naman si drei.. thanks po sa update ate meng..kahit short update lang ok na :D
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

Wow!!!You have a really great story!! Your good in making stories!! By the way Im Rachel!! Good Story!! Pls check mine out thanks!! :) http://theftalk.com/t38614-%26%239829%3BTogether-Forever%21%21%21%26%239829%3B-%5BCurrently-Chapter-16%5D-Super-exciting%21%21%21%21.html
» FTalkWhiz
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Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

update!!! wooo!! nice story!! hope that will's gonna change his mind!!=):D:thumbsup::thumbsup:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

update !!!! update !!!! update !!!!
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:arrow: waaa. so sorry guys.. i have bits and pieces of the chapter scribbled in my fillers. sooo sorry guys..i'll make it sure that i'll post the next chapter till the end when i have the time.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

that's okay.. studies first!! good luck sa studies!:D
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

update update !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im goin wild ... update !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

i had jax fnished reading this i haven't bin hir 4 quite sum tym eniwei, itx ok ate meng jax do ur thng we won't go anywhere :D

Last edited by eclipse_twins (2008-10-01 08:50:51)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

more more more! sis. super nice!
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:arrow: this is a short update, although i don't know if i'll still have readers and my old readers are nowhere to be found. im sorry for the looooong hiatus (or hibernation perhaps) i just want to finish this story [hr] [b]Chapter 28[/b] Will made the necessary arrangements so that Drei would be able to spend his recovery at their hospital. Even though Drei didn’t initially like the idea of leaving the camp and staying at the hospital, he doesn’t have much choice. *** “Sam, we’ve been here for three days and you still seemed depressed.” Franz said one sunny afternoon to Sam. “I’m sorry to have your vacation ruined because of me. I’m trying to be happy with you.” Sam said to Franz, trying to be sweet. “Please, don’t force yourself.” “But…but I want to…I want to try it, if it’ll work out with us.” “I hate to say this Sam…but it’s not the same as before. I am happy about what you have said, that you want to give it a try. But, I can’t stand seeing you hurt. You can’t pretend that you’re happy like what you are trying to do in front of your brother. I know you too well Sam.” “I’m sorry. I was wrong. I’ve realized that I became so selfish. That it seemed like I’m just using you. I feel so bad right now.” And tears started falling from Sam’s eyes. “I stepped back long ago. I know you just wanted someone to be with you through your hardships. It was so hard to refuse the moment you asked, you were so depressed then and the least thing you need is rejection. But I tell you Sam, we don’t have to have that kind of relationship. Again, do not force yourself, I am here to help you even as a friend, or even as your bestfriend.” “I don’t know what to say Franz but, you’re such a nice guy. It was just that I loved him more, and I’m sorry for causing all of you these.” “No biggie.” Franz hugged Sam, “whatever happens, I’ll always be here. I’ve known from the start that it’ll be Will. I am weak, and I can’t ever fight for you. I was just thankful that I have met you.” Franz had a call from home that Sam’s brother is at the hospital. They hurriedly went back home since Sam is worried. *** “Kuyaaaaaa!!” Sam hurriedly went beside Drei upon arriving at the hospital.”How are you? What happened? I was so worried!” “Calm down. It wasn’t like that. I’m doing good. You look so tired!” “I’m fine kuya, I’m really really fine!” “Sam, looks like Drei is fine, why don’t we have lunch first. I don’t want you starving yourself.” Franz said to Sam. “You haven’t eaten lunch yet and it’s 3PM? Please Franz, go and have lunch.” Sam didn’t really wanted to go but she’s afraid that her kuya might get mad, and hey, she’s hungry already. They had their lunch outside of the hospital, and since Franz had some errands to do back home, he dropped Sam by the hospital and told her he’ll be coming by at night. On her way up to the suite of Drei, he noticed that the door wasn’t completely shut, and noticed that her kuya is talking to someone. “Thank you for everything. I am sorry. I’m sorry for not trusting you, for believing that you just wanted my sister just because of the captainship. It’s sad to think that I have to experience this before realizing everything.” “You don’t really have to apologize. I know I’ve been wrong too. It’s just that I am not just meant for her, she chose Franz over me. Even though how much it hurts, I have to accept it.” “I have nothing against Franz, he loves my sister too. But, I know I’ve done things that made you two apart. I didn’t know that you were sincerely kind. I don’t know how to repay you.” “This is nothing actually. As your junior it is expected of me to take care of my superior.” “Tell me one thing Will, and I need you to say the truth…” “What is it?” “Do you still love my sister?” “Excuse me miss,” a nurse approached Sam even before he hears what Will is going to say. They both entered the suite, with Sam not knowing the answer.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

What the hecccck. Whyyy. That's so kainis. T-T He should've answered right after he asked. And that nurse, she's so epal ha. The chapter is really sad (but in a good way, coz I like sad yet sweet moments :xixi:), but I felt so bitin. T-T
  • » [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

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