• » [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

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[align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

[color=red][b]gash!! I've only read this nakakaiyak!!! grabe!! Nakakaasar si DRei!! Why can't he accept Will!! Hmp!! Go Will!! Go Will!! Go Will!! Go Will!! Go Will!! Go Will!! Go Will!! I can't wait.. next chapter na po.. hihi..![/b][/color]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:arrow: weee..sorry guys for the uber LOOOOOONG wait. to make up for it, here's an uber LOOOOOOOOONG chapter for all of you :D [hr] [b]Chapter 25[/b] Monday came and Franz was discharged from the hospital. Sam wasn’t able to call Will since the incident last Saturday night. She doesn’t know how to apologize to Will. She hadn’t even brought up the topic to her kuya. It seems that it will be a tough day for Sam to face. “Sam…hurry up. I'll be going to school now.” “You go first…it’s still early for my time though…I'll just do some things…” Sam said to Drei, without looking at him. “Look Sam…about the incident last Saturday, I was just…drunk. Although I’m quite disappointed…but I never really intended to hurt Will…and you.” “It’s okay kuya…I understand.” Sam wasn’t still looking at him. Tears filled her eyes. “I know it’s not okay Sam…I just wanted to apologize. Please forgive what kuya had done okay?” “Yeah…you go. You’ll be late.” Sam hadn’t still forgotten it. Everytime she thinks of it, it makes her teary-eyed. She wasn’t sure on how Will would react to her. [quote][b]1 message received[/b] [i]Hey Sam! Wat tym r u gonna go 2 skul? I'll mit u @ d front g8 near med bldg okay? –will[/i].[/quote] She left the house after Drei had left. She decided to walk up to the gate of the subdivision and waited for a taxi. While waiting there, a car stopped in front of her. “Sammie! Let’s go to school together!” Franz offered Sam a ride, he insisted to take her to school. “How’s your arm Franz?” “It’s okay now.” He smiled. “How are you Sam? I heard Drei beat up Will?” “Uh…yeah, I want to apologize to him…and to your family too…his mom must be furious when she saw him.” “Actually…Mommy Carla didn’t know what happened. He slept at my granma’s house so the bruises won’t be seen by his mom.” “I really don’t know how to talk to him after what happened.” They arrived at Regina Natividad University, and the driver opened the door. Franz went out of the car and assisted Sam. He saw Will waiting there. He was sure he’s waiting for Sam. Just as Sam had got off the car, Franz immediately took her bag, and guided her, being the gentleman he is. “Hey bro!” Franz called Will. “Oh, hi.” Will saw Franz holding Sam’s things. “Hi Sam.” “Hi…” Sam meekly smiled at him. “I’m sorry for what had happened…” Sam can still see some bruises. “It’s okay. I deserve it.” Will noticed Franz looking at them. “So…I see you dropped by Sam’s house this morning?” “Ah…no. I just saw her waiting for a cab, so I decided to give her a ride.” “What were you doing here by the way? Seems like you’re waiting for someone, Will.” Sam asked him. Obviously, she hadn’t checked her phone. “Oh…I was…I just arrived too.” Will lied. “I need to go first. I'll catch up on our Chem Class.” Will went to the Liberal Arts department to have his special exam for the English class. “Franz, thanks for the ride…I guess I need to take my things.” “I can accompany you up to the classroom.” “No, it’s okay. You might be late for your class.” Sam went to their room. It’s still early, since there’s no class using their room before them, she decided to stay there and wait for the first period. She checked her fone to make herself busy. She saw Will’s text. * * * Will finished the examination early, he still have time before Chemistry so he decided to drop by the gym. He saw Drei and some of the players. Drei was at the corner taking a rest. Will went to him. “Captain…” Will was looking down. “I’m sorry for what had happened last time.” “You don’t have to apologize.” Drei firmly said. Will looked up at him. “No. I am really sorry. I know I’m already out of the team. But I just want to apologize.” “Who says you’re out?” “But…but based on the incidents…I don’t think you would accept me anymore.” “Honestly, I’m kind of ashamed of what I had done to you. I apologize for what happened.” “It’s okay captain, I know I deserve it.” “To make up for it, I would like to offer you the captain position for next year.” Drei smiled. Will can’t believe what he had heard. “Really? For real?” Will was ecstatic. “Yeah. Seriously.” “Wow. Thank you captain! I’m really glad.” Will’s happiness is indescribable. “Under one condition. Stay away from my sister.” “Su—what?” Will was mortified. “Why?” “That’s what you want right? The captainship? You don’t need my sister anymore. You already have what you want.” “But…but she doesn’t have anything to do with my captainship.” “Admit it Will…you just wanted to be close to her to get the captain position.” “No…you’re mistaken. I really love your sister. I’d even give up the position just to be with her.” “And do you think she loves you?” Will was silent. “If you turn down this offer and wait for Sam, she might not even like you, then you’d lose both.” “I’d rather be a fan from the bleachers…than to be the captain without even trying to win the heart of the person I love.” “If that’s the way you wanted it to be…then so be it.” Will went back to their building in time for the class. He was late. Someone was sitting on his seat so he decided to settle at a vacant one near the door, to avoid class disruption just because of him. He wanted to talk to Sam. But they are seats apart. He waited for the dismissal to talk to her. “Hey Sam. Let’s go to the cafeteria.” Sam had already made a promise to Franz to have lunch with him. “Oh…Franz already asked me…” Will saw Franz waiting outside the room. Sam went out. They were in the entrance of the building, when the rain poured. “Wait here Sam,” Franz said. “I'll just get my umbrella in the locker.” Sam waited for Franz to get his umbrella. Suddenly, someone threw a jacket over her. “Want a little fun in the rain?” Will asked Sam, smiling. “We’ll get sick! And Franz went to get an umbrella.” “C’mon Sam. It’s just water! Besides, there’ll be a hundred nurses waiting to attend to us if ever we’ll get sick.” Will and Sam shared under one jacket over their heads and ran towards the cafeteria. Sam felt good. She even wanted to stay long under the heavy rain. She would get sick…but the heck? She’s with Will after all. They proceed to the cafeteria and had their lunch. Sam felt bad for leaving Franz so she texted him, apologizing. “So…how are you, Will? I’m really sorry for what my brother had done.” “Nah, it’s okay Sam. I already told you not to think about this right?” “Yeah…but then, you know…your mom still doesn’t know?” “I’m not stupid enough to show these to her face. That’s why I’m staying at our Gran’s house.” Sam just smiled at Will. She noticed how cute Will is while he’s trying to look cool and okay. [quote][b]1 message received[/b] [i]its ok sam. 2 make up 4 it, hav dinner at my place ok? –franz[/i][/quote] Will had to show up at the gym, so he wasn’t able to accompany Sam home. It’s a good thing for Sam too, so she can quickly go home and prepare herself that night. * * * “I thought you live at Will’s house?” “Yeah, I do.” “But…why are we heading at your grandmother’s house?” “I decided to stay here for the week so I can help Will. I told Mommy Carla that Mommy-La wanted us to stay for a week there. His mom wouldn’t believe him if it was only Will whom Mommy-La would invite over.” “Then…well…so Will is there?” “He may not make it at dinner. He said he’d be late.” The people at the house seemed to be not yet at home. Only the maids were there. “Mommy-La is still at the hospital…probably checking on things…” “At her age she still works?” “Nah, it’s just her habit walking around the hospital.” “Wow. This house is huge.” Sam looked around. “C’mon Sam.” Sam went into the dining room. “Sit here. I'll just get something.” The maids prepared sumptuous food and put them on the table. Franz went upstairs to get something. He went back down with a gift. “It’s not my birthday!” “Nah, it’s okay. I was supposed to give you this last Saturday.” Franz handed Sam his gift. Sam read the card, it says: [i]You’re such a wonderful girl. I’m so glad to have you.[/i] “Thanks…but I thought ---” “Don’t mind the note. It’s for you anyway…just…just think of it as a friendship gift.” “Thank you very much Franz.” “So…how was Will?” “What?” “Don’t tell me he hadn’t asked you yet to be his girlfriend?” “Uh, not yet. He…well, I think…was still thinking of what you said?” “What? That I'll never let you go?” “Yeah…you said he’d never compete with you…” “So…he still thinks about it…but if he really likes you, he’ll just set it out of his mind.” “Do you think it’s a good idea to continue this?” “I’m thinking about it too Sam. I'll talk to him tonight and tell him everything. Tell him that I just said it just to know if he really loves you.” “But you told me he loves me right?” “Yeah…but he doesn’t seem to express it right? I'll just tell him the truth, that I am willing to give you up. Besides, it is him whom you really like in the first place.” “What if he won’t believe?” “Then it’s his loss. Don’t worry Sam. I’m doing everything right? And as your very best friend, I’m more than willing to help just to see both of you happy.” Franz had given up on hoping for Sam. It came to him that Will loved Sam more than he loves her. That Saturday, Franz told Sam about Will and Danica’s conversation. He did his best to make Will shout out his feelings and show it to Sam. Both of them ate their dinner. It was already late so Franz decided to accompany Sam home. Will came back home and just had practice so he seemed to be starving. He headed straight to the dining room, and found something. He saw Franz’s gift to Sam, with the note: [i]You’re such a wonderful girl. I’m so glad to have you[/i]. “So Sam was here.” Will looked at the note again. “Franz…Sam must have picked him over me…”
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

wahahaha.. magbibigay na si franz kay will..:D:D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

^ aw. because of that wrong note. . .
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:arrow: ayay~ yea. the note the note... it's a death note. haha lols. i dunno when will i be able to update this. pero promise, it'll be exciting :eh: the end is near~~~~~~ woo. :penguin:
» FTalker
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Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

[i]geee. ^yaa. death note. haha :lol:[/i]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

aww. mttpos ndn tong stori na to? haha, anu b yan, bka sabayi pa clang mag bro mag giv up kai sam. haha.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

[b]aw. an*nga ni will. haha. :paranoid:[/b]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

[quote=meng.o3]ayay~ yea. the note the note... it's a death note. haha lols. i dunno when will i be able to update this. pero promise, it'll be exciting :eh: the end is near~~~~~~ woo. :penguin:[/quote] > exactly. . the death note. . haha. . well, abangan ko ang bonggang katapusan. . :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:arrow: ahaha..bonggahan ba? ngeee. di ko pa naiisip eh :lol: pero actually, di ko pa din naiisip kung sino sa dalawa ang prince charming :ninja:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

so ayun, i miss 9 chapters.. :/ :/ im so late. :| imma read this later.. parang maganda na yung mga pangyayari.. haha :lol: ate meng wag mo muna iupdate XD *kidding.. wahaha.. :P
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

nce one will... jeje kip it up nce story!!!:wow:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:arrow: Here's the next chap. [hr] [b]Chapter 26.1[/b] Franz arrived home and saw the gift. Sam had forgotten to bring it with her. He noticed Will’s things on the couch so he immediately hid the gift and kept it in his room. It’s a necklace by the way. “Hey Bro!” Franz called Will. “Can I talk to you?” [i]He’s about to tell me that he’s Sam’s boyfriend now[/i]. Will thought. “Sure, what about?” “About Sam…” Bingo. “You want her to be your girlfriend right?” “Yes…” [i]but I’m nothing compared to you. Drei does not approve of me. You always make her happy. I’ve hurt her a couple of times. I’ve given her pain[/i]. “…but you deserve her.” “You’re…you’re giving up?” [i]Why? After I have accepted defeat…you’ll just give up?[/i] “I had enough already!” Will had raised his voice. “It’s affecting my athletic status…” “But that’s not a reason!” “I said I already had enough of this! You deserve her…you really deserve her.” “I was wrong about you Will.” Franz looked disappointed. “It was so foolish of me to think that you can take care of her…that you can make her happy…I was wrong…it never crossed my mind that you’re the type of person who’d easily give up.” “Why can’t you just be happy? After all, you already have her. Besides, she’s happy when you’re around. Her brother always scolds her when I’m with her. I’m not good enough for her.” “Is that what you really want, huh Will?” Franz had already shown anger. “You love her! And she’s happier when you’re around!” “Don’t make me as an excuse Will…I'll never allow you to use me as a reason for your cowardice.” “I’m going back home. I can’t live with you around anymore…” Will picked up his things on the couch, heading to the front door. “So, you ---“ “Don’t even try to hold me back!” Will looked back. “I hate to admit it…but I can’t stand being your brother anymore…” “Will!” Franz shouted, and got hold of his shoulder. “Just…just take care of her.” Will ran towards the gate, and probably back to his home. Will had given up. Again. Franz doesn’t know how to explain everything to Sam. He felt guilty. It was his idea to make Will compete with him. To show Will that he’ll never give up Sam. Although he still loves her, it is a known fact to him that he can never replace Will in Sam’s heart. * * * It is only a week before the semestral break. Sam was curious why Will hadn’t come to class after the Finals Week. They took examinations at different schedules; she hadn’t bumped into him at school. She was worried; she wanted to see him. “Kuya…is Will still a player of the Lions?” Sam asked his brother one morning. “Yes…why ask?” “I…I’m just…well, nothing.” Sam just smiled at Drei. “There’s something. Tell me why you’re looking for him? Don’t tell me he’s already your boyfriend?” “No kuya! I’m not yet his girlfriend…I was just wondering ---“ “Not yet?? You mean you have plans?” “Well…I…why can’t you just accept him kuya?” “Why? That’s because I don’t trust him. He wanted to be the captain that’s why he wanted to be close to you.” “But…but he told me…” Sam’s chest felt heavy. “He told me he loves me…” “He loves you?” Drei shook his head. “Then how come he’s avoiding you?” “Because you don’t want him!” “Is that what you think the reason is? I would just like to tell you Sam, he already accepted being the captain for next year.” “But that has nothing to do with me!” “Want to know our agreement?” “As if I will believe you.” “I’m not asking you to…anyway, I don’t need to explain things to you.” “Whatever!” Sam stood up and headed to her room. Franz, yes! Franz! He sure knows where Will is! She decided to ask Franz the following day. Franz told Sam everything. He told him the confrontation that happened between them the night that they had dinner at home. “I'll look for a chance to talk to him. Everytime I come to their house, he’s always out. I even tried to look for him at the restaurant. Whenever I see him somewhere, he’ll just run…he’s intentionally avoiding me.” “It seems that we really are never meant for each other.” “But…don’t lose hope Sam. Just…just wait for the right time.” “I have waited for him since the day I felt that he is the one for me.” “I still believe he’s the one for you.” “I’m tired. I’m tired of hoping…I just wanted to be loved. I just want to feel his love for me.” “I’m sorry Sam. I shouldn’t have come up with the idea in the first place.” “It’s okay…don’t put the blame on yourself…it’s his own decision. He chose basketball, instead of me.” “What?” Franz can’t believe what he had heard. “Maybe…maybe he has his own reasons.” “I don’t care anymore…” Sam looked straight into his eyes. “Tell me Franz, don’t you love me anymore?” Sam can’t believe what she had said. It’s as if those words automatically came out of her mouth. Like they were waiting for a perfect time to be said. “I…I still do.” He was about to cry. He breathed deeply. “But I know, and I have already accepted that Will is in your heart.” Then he faked a smile. “Then…can we…” There seemed to be a lot of courage in Sam. “Can we give it a try?” Franz couldn’t believe what he had heard. Is this real? He really can’t tell. He just stood there, petrified. Internalizing what Sam had said. “See if it’ll work out…” Sam’s gaze moved from his eyes, and then looked down. To Franz, Sam sounded uncertain. “Are…are you sure about that Sam?” Sam looked up again. She wanted to tell him straight. To show him that she’s not trying to joke around. “YES.” Franz smiled at Sam and hugged her tight. He can’t believe it. He had given up on her, yet she had given him a chance. She might have loved Will more than him. But he’s glad that he had the chance to be with her. He may not be the most loved person as of this moment, he may not be the one who can occupy a big space in her heart, but he is glad. Glad that the person he loves so much is trying to accept him. “Don’t…don’t expect much though…” “I know…I know Sam. I can wait for the right time, for you to truly love me.”
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

kawawang will, napagiiwanan na..naku
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

[color=red][b]nakakaasar naman kasi si Will!! Hay!! MAs gusto ko pa naman siya kaysa kay Franz! Hmpt!![/b][/color]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

awww.. aun n nga! sbay pa clang mag ggive up! =(=( bat gnun. will... no!!! don giv up! haha. pro okei lang. i also like franz. bongga pagmamahal nia kai sam. kahit na alam nia na hindi xa gnun ka mahal ni sam tulad ng pgmmhal ni sam kai will. ay tanggap nia.. hahah. di ko n alam mga pnag ssbi ko. umm. prang medyo confused dn ako. :/ kasi. prang... c sam.. prang kaya nia inalok c franz. bka gusto nia lang mkalimutan c will... haaaiii.. :/
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:arrow: Short update. :D [hr] [b]Chapter 26.2[/b] Franz went home to his grandmother’s house. He spent the entire week there and don’t have plans of coming back to his Dad’s house since he knew Will would just find a way to stay out of his life. Franz still wanted to have their relationship back – being like bestfriends and good brothers. He’s waiting for the time that Will would accept everything. It’s sembreak already and students of Regina Natividad University will have 3 weeks off, plenty of time to have a break and relax. Not for Will. Nor for Drei. “The waivers are out for those who will be attending the Sports Camp. I expect that you people will come, so work on your schedules and have the two weeks free.” Drei instructed them. The RNU Lions, in affiliation with their sister schools across the nation, have a two-week sports camp where selected athletes will have full training sponsored by the school, and their alumni in the country and abroad. Will’s dad is also an alumnus of RNU so there’s no doubt that he will be selected as representative to attend the said training. “You’re packing?” Sam asked Drei. “Yes. I'll be going to camp, like last year.” “But mom and dad won’t be able to come this sembreak. Who will I be with this entire vacation?” “Sam…I’m sorry, but you cannot come with me. It’s exclusive.” “It’s not like I’m asking you to take me kuya, but what am I supposed to do this entire vacation?” True enough, Sam has really no one to accompany her at home except Aling Seling. Their parents usually come home during their sembreak, but since their dad can’t make it, their mom decided that they’d just spend Chritmas and New Year in the Philippines. “Hay…” Drei sighed, “So I guess I'll unpack my bags and call up DJ that I can’t come since my baby sister is sad to see me go.” “It’s not that kuya…” well, good job Drei for making her feel guilty. “I…I just…well, I'll just wait for you then.” “Don’t worry Sam. It’ll just be two weeks.” *Ding-Dong “I'll get it kuya!” “Sam…” Franz said, panting. “Is you kuya still there?” “Of course he is, why?” “Good, I thought I missed him. I was actually about to ask him something.” “So that’s why you hurried up here?” “Yeah…sort of.” “Well…” Sam said, stopping herself from laughing. “He won’t be going ‘till tomorrow.” “What? So you mean he’s not leaving today?” “Of course I’m not!” Drei joined in. “Why do you want to see me anyway?” “Uhm…I just want to ask for your permission to allow Sam to come with my family to our resort.” “When will that be?” “It’ll still be next week though, but since you’ll be leaving for two weeks, I decided to ask you personally before you go.” “Oh, is that so…then you just have to take care of her alright?” Franz nodded. “And never break my trust.” “Yes Sir! You can really count on me.”

Last edited by meng.o3 (2008-07-26 11:29:58)

» FTalkAgent
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Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

^ng'update dn c sis. hihi. boto tlga c drei ke franz. haha.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

oo nga, makafranz sya.. ano kayang mangyayari sasusunod..? :paranoid: :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

nyc. . ngayon lang ulit nkadalaw. .
  • » [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

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