• » [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

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[align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

» FTalkElite
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Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

siguro nga si will ang magkikipagkita kay sam sa fountain :eh:
» FTalkAgent
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Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

[b]anbait nung magkapatid. =) update m nah sis. :)[/b]
» FTalkElite
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Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:arrow: Continuation of Chapter 23. - ang pinakamahabang chapter. lols. hmm..pramis di to aabot ng 30 :D [hr] [b]Chapter 23 [2/2][/b] “Team!” Everyone approached Drei. Sam went out to buy something. “The Danes have extremely prepared for this game. I am expecting everyone’s full performance on court.” The current game is on its third quarter. The Lions will be playing anytime soon. Will went to get his phone and call Danica to check on Franz’s condition. He saw several missed calls and a message asking him to call back. “Will! Finally!” “Why? What happened? Sam still didn’t know about it…I haven’t talked to her yet.” “Uhm…can you make it at 4? Sam will still be going there. You’re the only person Franz trusts when it comes to Sam. He wants you to accompany her to the hospital.” “But the game ---“ “Yeah, yeah I already told him about it. But you see, he wanted to go there himself if you can’t make it. Will…you know your mom. You should have realized by now how she instructed the people here. If Franz gets out of this hospital, we’re doomed!” Danica exaggerated. “Plus the other families of these employees…” “Hayyyz.” Will sighed. How can he think clearly? The match is about to start! “I know it’s hard. Especially not being with her…but, it’s your fault.” “Okay, I'll make a way.” Will can’t think of anything. But why would Franz need Sam to come to the hospital? And with him? How unlucky can he get? He was scolded by Drei, decreasing the chance of him being picked as the next captain; Sam being taken away by his own half-brother; Franz, staying at the hospital, and Danica not being able to see the match. Oh, what a cruel world! “Dude!” It was David. “Don’t try that on court.” “Huh?” Will was surprised. “What?” “Spacing out! You were entirely blank.” “Oh, am I?” “You’ve been thinking too much. Focus on today’s game okay? Show Drei your moves so he’ll reconsider you being a captain.” “Thanks dude. Wait, why weren’t you interested on being a captain?” “Are you okay? If I consider being a captain, that would be hard for you. I’m a tough competitor.” “Yeah right, whatever!” Will said, laughing. “Hey, that’s not a joke. Anyway, just show him everything you can to beat the Danes.” The match had just ended, and it’s the call for the much-anticipated game of the season. The two rival schools battling out to be the superior, the Lions versus the Danes. Drei didn’t allow Sam to stay on the courtside so she had to settle on the bleachers; well at least she’s near the patron side. As the team emerged from their changing rooms, will caught a glimpse of a happy and cheerful Sam. The match had started and the Lions had their power five – Drei, David, DJ, Will and Mico. The ball was on the Lions and they immediately scored. 2-0. The first quarter ended with a score of 18-22 in favor of the Danes. Mico already had three fouls and the team cannot afford another foul from him, so he was replaced. “Four points ahead of us! Let’s do our best.” “It’s on you. Show him!” David whispered to Will. Show him? Will had contributed a lot in the score but Drei didn’t even commend him. The ball was on David, the only person free to pass it on was Will, and Will was sure David would pass it to him. But just as Will would signal David, he caught a glimpse of Sam, he hadn’t still thought of a way on how to tell what had happened on Franz to her. David had already let go of the ball. Will didn’t notice. Good thing Drei was quick enough to catch it and score. “Nice one, Will.” Strike Two. Drei looked at Will as if there’s a word LOSER on his forehead. It was a tough game between the two rivals. Half time came and the Danes only have a one-point advantage against the Lions. Will looked on where Sam was. He saw her, it’s as if she’s going out. She’s making her way out of the ecstatic fans. She was about to go to the fountain. Will thought. Without thinking twice, Will dashed off and went after Sam. He called upon the mightiest gods so that he’ll be able to see her, to catch her even before she get out of the huge gym. “Sam!” Will shouted, too late. Sam was already in a taxi. He went back to the court. “We really need full performance.” Drei told the team. “We can’t afford to lose to them.” Will arrived, and went directly to David. “Dave, look…I need to get out.” “Are you crazy? Do you think we can make it without you?” “You’re good right?” “Dude, I know I’m good, but with Drei injured…” “He said he can still make it.” “That’s what he always says…” “Look…I need to do something important today!” “But if you get out right now, I’m telling you, it’s like you’ve thrown away your chance of being a captain.” “I'll get back quickly. I'll make sure I’m here when they announce us being the champion!” “You don’t have to.” Drei had heard them. “What are you up to? Is that important?” “Well, it’s kind of a serious matter. It’s important in a way…” “Have it your way…but I’m warning you…nothing in this life comes for free. You have to give up something good if you want something better.” Will picked up his things and ran off. “What’s the matter with him? Is this captainship just good for him?” Drei was furious. “I was telling him to give up that important matter he needs to do so he can get the captain position!” Obviously, there’s a more important thing for Will than being a captain, Sam’s happiness perhaps? Will arrived at Regina Natividad University and saw a young lady standing by the fountain. He was hesitant to approach her. He mustered his courage and took a step forward. He needs to do this. Sam was still not aware of what had happened to Franz. She’s already waiting for him, not knowing that it would be Will who will be meeting her. “Hey, Sam…” “Will…? Why are you here? There’s a match right?” “Yeah, but…you see, Franz ---“ “Franz? Why? He asked you to come here? What happened?” “He’s at the hospital right now. Let’s go. He’s waiting for you.” Will directed Sam onto the taxi that Will rode on. The driver was waiting for them. [quote][i]And why do you have to leave me Without saying that you love me I'm saying I love you again Are you listening? Open your eyes once again Look at me crying If only you could hear me shout your name If only you could feel my love again [/i][/quote] The driver was singing along with the music on the radio when they got on the taxi. Will told him to go to the hospital. Sam was quiet on the way to the hospital. They safely arrived and went inside one of the top hospitals in the country. Of course, with this kind of hospital, it is given that the security is also tight. “Wait…aren’t we supposed to show our ID or anything?” Sam asked Will, it was her second time to set foot on this hospital and the first time she went there she was asked to present an identification. “No need. We own this place.” Will held Sam’s hand as they went to Franz’s suite.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

[b]ayan tapatan na po ito![/b] :o [i]sam might decide between the two[/i]... [u]i think [/u]:paranoid:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

we own this place.. wow naman ang yaman nila will.. sino kaya ang magbibigay..? si will o franz
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

oh my gawd. stars. that's a song that reminds me of someone haha i love it go ate meng! i'm melting :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:arrow: i wanna finish this na :lol: kaya lang ang ikli pa ng chap 24 ko =(
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

[align=center][b]sige take your time lang sis [/b]:D [i]make sure it's mahaba para di kami bitin[/i] :P[/align]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

:arrow: eto patikim :D i'll update the chapter maybe tomorrow. [hr] [b]Chapter 24[/b] Every staff that they pass always greets Will. Wow. They really owned the place. “We’re here.” Will said, opening the door. Sam quickly entered and went to Franz. “Franz! I was so worried about you! How are you?” Sam was asking Franz several questions, and Will…he just stood there. [i]“And there goes my life…”[/i] Will thought. Danica noticed Will smiling while staring at Sam and Franz. She dragged Will outside, smiling and with expectant eyes. “So…have you told her?” “Told her what? And why are you smiling like that?” “Gadd…Will! You didn’t tell her about your feelings? It was your chance!” “I want to…but Franz…” Will said, with hopeless eyes. “Don’t play the hero, Will. You have already sacrificed a lot! Are you contented in living your life full of ‘what if’s and ‘should have been’s?” Will thought for a moment. Danica is making sense. He surely had sacrificed a lot. He settled for just being friends with Sam. He lost the captain position. He lost everything he desired the most. But he was afraid, afraid to lose the good relationship with Franz whom he treated as a real brother and as a bestfriend. [i]“You have to give up something good…if you want something better…”[/i] He remembered what Drei had said earlier. Give up something good. What does he have to risk? Love? Brotherhood? All of a sudden, he thought of something. Will quickly opened the door and went in. “I LOVE YOU SAM!” The two girls were shocked by the sudden announcement of Will. Sam had her hand on her chest, with eyes wide open, and Danica was looking from Will to Franz. “Sam…I really love you.” Will said. He shifted his gaze to Franz, who was staring at him, without any expression of shock. “I’m sorry. I love her.” “Oh,” Franz said, as if nothing shocking had happened. Sam’s heart was beating too fast. “You love her?” “Yes.” Franz will give her to me. Will thought. “Then I'll never let her go.” Franz gallantly said. It was what Will had feared most. Competing with his brother. He never really intended to fight against him for Sam. He was expecting Franz would give way since he had sacrificed a lot for her. Franz notice Will’s hopeless eyes. He knows Will would never compete with him. Strong as he may seem, but Will has a high regard to Franz. He respects him so much that he never dared contradict him. “But I won’t allow you to give up. I don’t want Sam to be my girlfriend just because you backed out. And I want to hear her say that she picked me over you.” It was a challenge. Franz was determined to compete with Will. “If that’s the case, then I will do everything to have Sam.” “But whatever rivalry we have, let it be just for Sam. Whatever happens, I'll always treat you as a brother.” Danica can’t believe what she had witnessed. The brothers whom have treated each other in a good way…became rivals? Just because of a girl? Sam was silent the whole conversation between Franz and Will. Danica seemed to notice Sam being speechless. She approached her. “Hey, Sam…come, let’s have some snacks.” Sam didn’t opposed. She immediately went out with Danica to the hospital cafeteria. “Order whatever you want. It’s an open account.” Danica smiled at Sam. “Seems you’re overwhelmed by the scene a while ago.” Danica loaded her tray with a slice of chocolate cake and a milkshake. “I…I just prefer not to talk…and I don’t know what I need to say.” Sam picked brownies and iced tea. Danica handed over the card to the cahier. Obviously, it’s a VIP card, snacks free of charge. They seated at the corner, it’s more silent there. “So…tell me, whom do you like among them?” “I…I dunno…I can’t think properly.” “Yeah right…if I were on your shoes I’d pick any of them…haha” “But…it’s…it’s just sudden…Will told me he doesn’t love me…then out of nothing he just told me love me…” “Well…that would be a shock to Franz too…” “Wait…didn’t you tell me that Will likes you?” “As if that’s true…that’ll never happen. I just said it for you to be decided.” “So…does that mean, you want me to be with Franz…? And…wait, is it because you like Will?” “Me? Like Will? Oh…no no no Sam…” Danica was laughing. “Over my dead, sexy and gorgeous body!” Sam smiled at her expression. “Didn’t you say you’d pick any of them?” “Yeah…that is if I were you…but I’m not you. And I already love someone.” “Wait…I haven’t known much of your life…it’s always about me…” “Hmm…what do you want to know?” “Well…you see…uhm…how will I say this…uhm…I kindah saw you before…” “Me? Really? Where?” “Phia’s debut.” “Oh. Yeah, we’re bestfriends. And the Villanuevas’ our family friend.” “It’s…I saw you in the garden…crying…I thought you have a relationship with Will or something…” “That night…yeah, someone who must have seen us would think that there was something between us…but it was just plain friendship.” “I thought you broke up with him.” “Hey! You have a wild imagination Sam…that night…Will told me all about Lou.” “Lou? You know him?” “He’s my ex. Well, sort of. We hadn’t actually had an official closure. You see, he left me without telling me about it!” “Maybe he just doesn’t want you to worry about him.” Sam was trying to make Danica feel better. “Whatever reason he has, I don’t really care at all. I’m just afraid he’ll look for another one.” “I don’t think he’ll do that. He’s such a nice guy.” Now Sam knew what was between Danica and Will. They really are just friends. “Sam, it’s already late. I'll send you home.” It was Will. “Oh…o-okay. Bye Danica.” Will was silent for the entire ride up to Sam’s house. Sam can’t think of any topic so she decided to stay silent too. Several thoughts were running through their minds. They arrived at Sam’s house and saw several people inside. The whole team was there, celebrating. “Looks like the great Lions won!” Sam shouted. Everyone looked at Sam, then to Will, then finally at Drei. They were all silent. Everyone step aside and cleared Drei’s way. He wasn’t smiling. The team surely had won, but the moment seemed as if there’s a battle that is about to start. “Yes, my dear sister. We won without the help of him, and without your support.” It’s obvious by the way Drei spoke, that he had consumed alcohol. “Oh,” Sam said. She probably made her brother disappointed. “Congratulations.” “So, this was the important thing you’re telling me huh, Sam? You dared to lie to me? You told me you’d be seeing Franz? Is this the face of Franz now? Wow. He looked exactly like Will.” “It’s…it’s not that kuya…” Sam was already crying. “I didn’t lie to you. I was supposed to see Franz.” “Captain,” It was Will. He decided to explain it himself. “She didn’t lie to you…it was ---“ “As if I'll believe you? In case you haven’t noticed you’re just a mere newbie player of the Lions.” “But…I just wanted to explain…” Will hadn’t finished what he was about to say. Drei had punched him straight. “Kuya! Please stop. He doesn’t have anything to do with this.” Drei was still punching Will. Will could have thrown Drei away, but he didn’t fight back. He just stood there, receiving his punches. “Guys! Please make him stop!” All of a sudden, the players quickly approached Drei and pulled him away from Will. They never dared to interfere a while ago, without Sam’s instruction because they were afraid of Drei. Will’s nose was bleeding. He had bruises, but he had never shown hatred to Drei. He even said sorry when he looked at him.

Last edited by meng.o3 (2008-07-01 13:11:21)

» FTalkAgent
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Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

awtz. lab ko na si will.. ginive-up nya na yung pagiging captain nya para kay sam. :wow: :wow: next chappie na te meng!XP
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

ang bait bait naman ni will..lolx
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

[b]ang bait ni will. :lol: nakakasura yang si drei. :angry: sis, next chappie nah. :eh: :D[/b]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

hala. ngaun ko lang to ulet nabasa. i missed 5 chaps na! haha. grabe, kkaiyak ung mga chaps... bait bait pala ni will. kala ko pa nung una. gnun n lng, haaii.. an dami ng sacrifices ni will pra lang ke franz and sam? tpos prang ngata nman c kua drei. kwawa c will. pag susuntukin b nman. gaa. :crybaby::crybaby:
» FTalker
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Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

[i]wow :O so long nice interesting update hehhe ;) Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious miz meng :wow: gawddd bitin bai![/i]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

oh shockz so martyr... will! but i guess he wouldn't dare fight with his superior... and soon 2 b brother in law... haha
» FTalkAgent
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Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

ate meng pinapaiyak mo na kami sa istorya mo. I update mo na yan. lels. :lol:
Guardian Devil
» n00b
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Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

Very nice story =) :thumbsup::thumbsup:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

Nice story Sis Meng. Wakaka~ I-Update mo na daw sbi ni lois. :lol: Gudluck :thumbsup:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

^ onga ate meng. pna paiyak mo kami sa stori mo. heheh.. kelan kaya next update neto?
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

[i]gaaaa. i can't believe. nabasa qo upto chapter 24 in jus 1 day. aha. nice story. nkakaiyak :) can't wait for the next chapter. mygadd! :D[/i]
  • » [align=center][img]http://cyberlakad.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ahart42.jpg[/img][/align] You love him one. You love him too. They both love you. You both love them. Now, do you have A Heart for

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