• » ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

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;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

» FTalkAddict
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

first to comment fir chappie 18 =D im so like wondering who that stranger is ... omg!! cant w8
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Hi! Nice story!Cant w8 for the next chappie :D well Take care! :)
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

nice story u made sis! wow.. :O it's really great! :thumbsup::thumbsup: just can't wait fer d next chapter!
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

^Thanks sis! Thanks for reading it! Oh yah can i ask you a question? Can you be my friend?
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Nice story! :) good job! :D
Kaygee :3
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

nc story! lab it! :o
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

^Thanks sis! Thanks to all! Heres Chapter 19: :arrow:[b]Chapter 19:[/b] Anna:Are you sure? Lara:Yes!!!! Sunshine:OMG! Lara:Ok we have to stay calm! kk? Sunshine:Yes Lara's Correct! Tina:Maybe its just a joke! Sunshine:Yah lets just play the laptop anyways we're all dressed up right? Tina:Yah! ...... .................. Sunshine:Look I have a new comment in my story Together Forever! Lara:Its from [b]gaara_gfzz [/b] Anna:Lets check her profile! Lara:Yah! [quote]================================================================ Name: | Shamz | Status:Offline ================================================================ Rank: | FriendsterManiac | Join date:2008-05-03 ================================================================ Gender: | Female | Posts: 631 ================================================================ Location: | Hongkong | Post per day: 5.5 ================================================================ Birthday | June 3rd 1992 | Referrals: 0 ================================================================ Recent Reputation Points [+16] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/quote] Sunshine:She seems nice! Lara:Yah! Anna:I agree! Tina:well i dont like her!!!! :angry: Sunshine:C'om Tina shes nice! Anna:Yah look ! Tina:Ok fine! but im watching her! Anna:Oh ok! Lara:Lets look at her comment! Sunshine: =) Anna:Sure! [quote]Nice story sis! love it! Can i be your friend?[/quote] Sunshine:See Tina,shes nice!:P Anna:Yah Tina! trust us we know! Sunshine:Yah! Tina:Ok! Fine maybe i was just overacting! Lara:Ok lets get some yummy foods! Anna:Yes!!! :lol: Lara:(sings a song) Food Food omg food lets get some food lets get some food lets party yah food!:cake: :cake: :cake: Sunshine:Lets go to fs! (friendster) Lara:Yah lets go to my account look a new message [quote]Hi remember me from the phone! see you Tonight By the way tell your friends that im coming![/quote] Sunshine:OMG!!! It is true! [b][Someone Knocks at the door][/b] Anna:Whos that? :paranoid: Tina:Im scared! :paranoid: Lara:Lets go check whos that! :cry: ..... .................. Lara:Hello? Stranger:Hello! :ninja: Lara:Who are you! Stranger:You'll see [b][Cuts Lara with a knife on the stomach then runs away][/b] Lara:Ouch! :wasted: Tina:OMG! Anna:Are you ok? Sunshine:Lets get her to the Hospital! Anna:Yah! [b][In the Hospital][/b] Sunshine:Doc is she gonna be ok? Anna:Doctor do whatever you can do pls? Tina:Help our friend! [b][After 5 HOURS][/b] Doctor:Umm Ms.Sunshine You better get going cuz shes not really feeling well Anna:How is she? Doctor:She is not really feeling well Anna:How is she ??? did you succed??? Doctor:Ummmm Ummmm Anna:Pls !!! Sunshine:C'mon Doc reply us Doctor:Ummm!!!! ___________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]Is Lara ok? or not? Find out in Chapter 20![/b] :wasted:

Last edited by Sunshine0918 (2008-08-25 20:44:28)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

im gonna die ?!?! :o:O:o:O :lol::lol::lol::lol:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

heeheh idk! secret!!! you'll just have to find out yourself!
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

ei!! thnx for adding me to ur story!! nyahaha! kewl!
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Hi.. I am tanya, I would like to be friends with you either. :D Wow.. Your story is really great!! It's cute..!! I'm waiting for the next chap.!!:D :thumbsup:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

[quote]To gossipgirl03: Thanks for checking my story! and for being my friend!you seem very familar where are you from ,i mean what school? umm i love your story! i read it! its so nice! :) very! i promis! :)[/quote] [quote]To all who commented my story: Yah i cant update it today becuz its on weekdays and i have lots of test this week in fact everyday Long test! so guys sorry if the update is late! anyways thanks to all of you ! you guys are so kind! :)[/quote] Thanks! :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

woah! lara is gonna die?!
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Yes! i mean No! I mean Secret! :lol:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

[img]http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd93/Never_Fell_In_Love/emoticons/224027861.gif[/img] Zup Rachel .. heard much about u ...
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

[u][/u][i][/i][b][/b][url][/url][img][/img]<">[quote][/quote] [align=center][/align]jhcuuhcnhnfnchtfxnrhfnhxhrxfcwh
» FTalkAddict
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Hey guys heres Chapter 20! :arrow:[b]Chapter 20:[/b] Doctor:Im sorry! But your friend has lost alot of blood,which means the only way to save her is to donate blood to her! :( Sunshine:What?! :o:O:o Chelsea:Hi! I heard about what happened! Oh yah remember Henzor! Henzor:Hi Sunshine! Sunshine:Hi! Chelsea:What happened to Lara??? :( Henzor:Is she ok? :( Chelsea:Who will donate blood ???:question: Anna:Hi Im Anna! We need help !!!:exclaim: Henzor:Yah!!:exclaim: Vincent:Hi my name is Vincent im a friend of Sunshine I will donate blood to Lara Sunshine: Oh Hi! Thanks so much Vincent!!!:exclaim: Vincent:Your welcome Doctor:So you will donate blood to Lara? Vincent:Yes! Doctor:OK come with me! [b][After an 1 hour][/b] Doctor:You may go see Lara now shes better :) Anna:Shall we go? Tina: =) [b][With Lara][/b] Sunshine:Lara are you better now? Anna:Are you? Lara:Yah! I think so! But im feeling kinda weak Chelsea:Hi Lara its Chelsea Henzor:Remember me Henzor Sunshine:Guys She had a cut on her belly,she didnt loose her memorie :lol: Anna:Guess who donated blood to you ;) Lara:Who? Tina:Vincent Lara: Oh! Sunshine:Dont you wanna say Thanks to him Lara:Just say it for m pls! :/ Sunshine:Ok! ;) Lara:When can i be out of the Hospital Doctor:The day after a week ,you have to rest here first. Lara:Oh! :| Doctor:Im sorry but can some1 call Lara's mom??? Sunshine:I will ! Lara:kk! Thanks! [b][On the phone][/b] [quote]Sunshine:Hi! Mrs.David Mrs.David:Yes? Oh Is this Sunshine? Sunshine:Yes i have bad news and good news Mrs.David:Bad News first! Sunshine:Ok Your daughter is in the hospital because someone cut her in the tummy with a knife Mrs.David:Omg! What?! Whats the Good news??? :paranoid: Sunshine:someone donated blood to her Mrs.David:Ok! Im on my way there :cry: Sunshine:Byebye! Mrs.David:Byeby![/quote] Sunshine:Her mom is on the way! Doctor:Guys i think you have to go home na! Sunshine:Ok! Anna:byebye! [b][Everyone says their goodbyes and leave] [At Sunshine's House][/b] omg! This year is so hard! I hate it! God pls help me!!!!! =| Ran:Sunshine light off now! Sunshine:Ok! Ran:Good night!!!! :D Sunshine:Good night also! [b][The next day at school][/b] Sunshine:Back to school!!! Tina:Later lets visit Anna...Remember its her last day! Sunshine:Oh Yah! Im gonna miss her!!! Tina:Sunshine im gonna go to my sister kk? ;) Sunshine:Sure! ;] ..... ...................... Gwen:Hi Sunshine! Nick:Hi ! Sunshine:What yah talking about? Gwen:Ok! You see Nick has a crush on You-know-who Sunshine:Oh i know! Nick:Dont tell! :D Sunshine:OK! :P Nick:Sure? ;) Sunshine:Yes? _______________________________________________________________________________________ [b]Will Sunshine tell the secret or not Find out in Chapter 21 !!!! [/b]:rose:

Last edited by Sunshine0918 (2008-08-29 09:11:47)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

NICE STORY RACHEL!!!! anyways! How did Laras friends bring her to the hospital???? [[just asking and curious]]:question:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

^Well they called called a cab and went there very fast!!! Hehhehehe :lol::
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Rachel so good i love it :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  • » ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

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