• » ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

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;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

^thanks! i like your story too! :lol:
» FTalkFreak
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

hi sunshine.. can u coment on my story. bcuz its already in the sec0nd page. huhuhuh! :crybaby: if u don't mind. but if u don't want, its ok. :cry:=(:crybaby:
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

^Sure b the way my story would be tomorrow! [b]Chapter 21 is gonna be TOMORROW or not! [/b]
» FTalkGeek
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Hey! I like your story! It's so so cute! :D Waiting for the update. =D
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

^ok i'll update na :arrow:[b]Chapter 21:[/b] Nick:Really? ;) Sunshine:Yes! :D Gwen: Ok! heres the plan... we ask her what gift she like then we tell you then you buy her the gift kk? ;) Nick:=) Sir Mar: Ok Line up its time to go up now! [b][Upstairs][/b] Gwen:Sunshine go ask You-know-who what she wants Sunshine:Ok! Nick:Go go go!!! Sunshine: Ok! dont be rude! :| ..... ............... Sunshine:Hi! You-know-who:Hi Sunshine! Sunshine:What do you want for a gift??? You-know-who:IDK! why? Sunshine:Nothing! just what do you want??? :D You-know- who:Ok! I just like a book! ;] Sunshine:What kind of book??? ;) You-know-who:A chapter book! Sunshine:What kind of chapter book??? You-know-who:Something for my age! :lol: Sunshine:Ok! Thanks! ....... .............. Nick:So what did she say??? Sunshine:She likes a Chapter book ...something for her age! Nick:Oh ok! Sunshine:Ok Byebye im gonna go to Krizia Nick:Ok! :D Sunshine:Add me in ym :D [quote][b]prettyrockstar@yahoo.com[/b][/quote] Here just take this Nick:Just take this too. :D [quote][b]nicolas.nick@yahoo.com[/b][/quote] Sunshine:Ok Bye! :P Gwen:Byebye! :D Nick:Bye! :D _____________________________________________________________________________________ [b]Will Nick buy the gift??? Find out in Chapter 22![/b] ;)
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

comment nice story but its kinda short peace.... btw still a nice story :)
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

love it .. kk bye ..
» FTalker
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: it was good...... i'll wait for the next!!!!
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

^thanks for supporting me! :arrow:[b]Chapter 22:[/b] Gwen:I hope that boy buys the gift! :D Sunshine:Yah!!!! =) Gwen:So are you going to be online later ??? ;) Sunshine:Yah!Are you? :) Gwen:No I Cant! =| Sunshine:Why? Gwen:I dont know with my mom! Sunshine:Ok! [b][After school Sunshine went home and just played her laptop][/b] Sunshine:Wow!I have a new comment in my story!!! [quote]lara_nicole02@yahoo.com wrote: Hi Sunshine Im better now you can visit me sometime kk? Anyways nice story kk bye! :)[/quote] OMG! Shes ok now! Ran:who? Sunshine:Nothing! :D Ran:Ok! ;) ...... ..................... [b]Lara online![/b] [quote][b]In YM: Sunshine:Hi! :D Lara:Hi! :D Sunshine:Why is your status "I have a boyfriend???" ;) Lara:Cause its true! Sunshine:Who is it??? Lara:Secret!!! =D Sunshine:Pls? Lara:Fine! Sunshine:who? Lara:Ok...Its Vincent! :| Sunshine:Really??? :o Lara:shhhh dont tell kk? Sunshine:Ok! Lara:I have to go bye! Sunshine:Bye! :) Lara David is now offline[/b] OMG!! Lara has a boyfriend!!! :O [b]Nicolas is now Online![/b] [b]Nick:sunshine! Sunshine:Hi! :D Nick:Hi! :D Sunshine:So did you buy the book? ;) Nick:No :| Sunshine:Why? ;) Nick:I have a new crush! Sunshine:Really? Who? :o Nick:She is in La Salle Sunshine:Do i know her? Nick:Yah! Sunshine:Was she once in Southville? Nick:Yes! Sunshine:Its Honey!! Nick:Yah! Sunshine:uuyyyyyyyyy Nick:Dnt tell anyone kk? Sunshine:Sure! ;] Nick:Ok! Sunshine:I have to go kk? Nick:Sure! Sunshine:Bye :P Nick:Bye! :P[/b] [b]Sunshine is now offlilne[/b][/quote] Ok why Im i having this feeling ...this weird feeling...That i like him ok snap out of it ...you dont like him!!!Yah I dnt his just my friend Besides i like someone else which is [b]Jim[/b] :wow: :/ Ran:Sleeping time Sis! Sunshine:Ok :D [b][The next day][/b] Ran:Time to wake up sis!!! :eh: Sunshine:Ok! :D .... ........... Ran:Are you done changing??? Sunshine:Yes! :cool: Ran:Come down now...you have to eat!!! Sunshine:You cooked??? Ran:Yah i tried cooking dad's famous soup Sunshine:I dont think it looks like that ;) Ran:Just try it! :D Sunshine: Ok! [b][Sunshine tries it][/b] Sunshine: :puke: Ran:Are you ok? Sunshine:No! Ran:Maybe i should let you just eat something else Sunshine:You think! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`` [b]Will Ran's next meal to Sunshine taste good or not ....Find out in Chapter 23![/b] :cake: [spoiler][b]Sneak peek:Sunshine might be falling inlove with Nick but will nick know Honey is Nick's Crush and Sunshine's knows How will she feel Chelsea,Henzor,Nick,Sunshine and the others will make a club what will they talk about Find out in the future chapters!!! COMING SOON[/b][/spoiler]

Last edited by Sunshine0918 (2008-09-27 21:55:02)

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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

hello!! nice story na ha!! make sure you continue it .... or else...[jj] i know whos nick na!!! i know na also who sunshine is :p!!!! be online in yahoomessenger ooki... anyways nice story!!!! read my story also its short because velvet611 also made it short so i also made it short... so just read it ooki.... hope you like it [[peace]] gud nyt everybody!

Last edited by henzorvincent510 (2008-09-06 08:09:19)

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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

[quote][b]henzorvincent510 wrote:[/b] hello!! nice story na ha!! make sure you continue it .... or else...[jj] i know whos nick na!!! i know na also who sunshine is !!!! be online in yahoomessenger ooki... anyways nice story!!!! read my story also its short because velvet611 also made it short so i also made it short... so just read it ooki.... hope you like it [[peace]] gud nyt everybody![/quote] ok i'll continue it...but if icontinue it you have to continue yours! :P thanks! :eh: for supporting me!! :D [quote][b]To all who supported me: Hi guys i just wann say thanks! you guys made me happy everytime you commented my story you suported me! you made me confident ! Thanks and have a great day! :D -Rachel-[/b][/quote] EDITED: heres Chapter 23: :arrow:[b]Chapter 23:[/b] Ran:Ok...Here you go...Just it noodles Sunshine:Thanks...sorry! Ran:Its ok...I'll never give up Sunshine:Ok! Ran:So ano gagawin mo sa school Sunshine:Asus! Nag tagalog pa 2! Ran:Of course i need to teach you naman para you know can speak it to me paminsan-minsa Sunshine:Ok i have to go to school now...Tina is outside w8ing for me Ran:Ok Sunshine:Byebye kuya Ran! Ran:Byebye sis! [b][Outside with Tina][/b] Sunshine:Hi Tina! :D Tina:Why didnt you go to Anna's house :angry: Sunshine:Oh yah! i frgot! =( Tina:Shes on her way now ....Lets go to her house! :mad: Sunshine:Sorry! Tina:Its ok! Sunshine:Thanks! Tina:What were you doing ??? ;) Sunshine:Ummm just studying :D Tina:Ok! [b][At Anna's House][/b] Anna:Yes? Both Tina and Sunshine:Hi! Anna:Hi Guys! Sunshine:Sorry i didnt go yesterday Anna:Its ok! Sunshine:Thanks!!! Im gonna Miss you! Tina:Yah! :cry: Anna:Me too! :( Anna's Mom:Okay,Anna its time to go now... Say bye to Sunshine and Tina Anna:Byebye guys we have to go :( Sunshine:We are gonna miss you!:cry: Tina and Sunshine:Byebye! :crybaby: Anna:Byebye :crybaby: [b][In school][/b] Tina:Lets go to the Park for luck Sunshine:Good Idea! [b][In the Park][/b] Sunshine:We wish that Anna and her family would fly back to America safe! Tina:Mighty Park ...Help us! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Will Anna and her family fly safe? Find out in Chapter 24! :clock:

Last edited by Sunshine0918 (2008-09-09 03:14:38)

» FTalkManiac
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Nice story! :D good job! Check mine kk? :)
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

^Sure! Guys thanks for supporting me! :arrow:[b]Chapter 24:[/b] Tina:Lets go now! Sunshine:Yah! [b][After 5mins][/b] Tina:OMG! Its raining!!! :paranoid: Sunshine:Yah! :cloud: :cloud: :cloud: :cloud: :cloud: Tina:I hope this doenst affect Anna and her Family! Sunshine:I agree with you! :thunder: :thunder: :thunder: :thunder: :thunder: Tina:What was that? Sunshine:I think it was just Thunder! Tina:I cant see see the roads!!! Sunshine:I know!!! Tina:Where are we? Sunshine:Idk! Tina:Are we lost? Sunshine:I dont know! Tina:Lets shout for help! Sunshine:Help!!! Tina:Help! Sunshine:Hey whats that paper Tina:I dnt know! Sunshine:Lets look at it: [quote][b]Dear Ms. Rap, Please call all the students and please tell them that there would be no school tomorrow (Sept 9) Thanks ! Thank you, Ms. Avic[/b][/quote] Sunshine:w8 I'll call my brother! :( [b][Trying to call Ranny][/b] Sunshine:No Signal! Tina:Try moving there ...Stand on top of the rock :paranoid: Sunshine:I'll call someone else now [b][Checking for signal][/b] Sunshine:Still None! :cry: Tina:Look theres a cottage there...Lets go check if theres people there! Sunshine:Great Idea! =) [b][In The Cottage][/b] Sunshine:Hello? Tina:Do you think anyones here? Sunshine:Hope sure there is! Tina:Lets try going in? Sunshine:Just a peek! :D Tina:Yah! :D [b][Inside][/b] Tina:Wow! This place is so messy! Sunshine:How about we clean it up...Then maybe the owner would be happy and let us stay here for the night Tina:Yah ...Will try asking him/her if she has a phone so we could call..And if tomorrow it stops raining we could go home [b][Meanwhile At Sunshine's House][/b] Ran:Ok Its so late na!Where is Sunshine! [b][Phone Rings][/b] [quote][b]Ran:Hello,Sunshine! Kyle:Dude,Sino si Sunshine? Ran:Wala,Kapatid ko! :| Kyle:Ah Ok! :D Ran:Nawawala siya eh! :( Kyle:Ay! Hanapin natin kaya? ;) Ran:Dude,Talaga? Kyle:Sure! Ran:Salamat!!!!Pumunta ka dito ha? Kyle:Ok!:) Ran:Byebye Dude! :D Kyle:Back to you! :D[/b][/quote] Ran:Yes!!!!! :D [b][After Minutes Kyle came][/b] Ran:Kyle lets go! Kyle:Ok ! [b][Meanwhile In the Cottage][/b] Sunshine:Lets just w8 for the owner anyways we're done cleaning! :D Tina:Yah! =) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Who owns the Cottage?Will Ran and Kyle Find them?What will happen?Who will save them?Will Ran and Kyle also get lost?Some many questions !But the next Chapter would answer it! Watch out! [/b] :cloud:
» n00b
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

hey nyc story sis [even if im a boy its still the same youre still lyk my lil sis] :lol:
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

^and your like my big bro! Luv yah (as a friend)Take care! :)
» n00b
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Ganda! Talaga Ganda! Super! View mo den saken ha.... :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

^Thanks Bestie!!! Take care!!! :) Thanks everyone for your support!!! :D
» n00b
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Take Care Then Bestie! Happy Birthday (in advanced) :) :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very nice storie!!! sorry sister if I don't log in here always... please forgive me.... SORRY!!! love you siszie!!!
» FTalkAddict
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

^Its ok sis!Im not mad at all! Love you sis! Guys tnx 4 the support in my stry! :D...Heres chapter 25 :arrow:[b]Chapter 25:[/b] [b][Sunshine and Tina Falls Asleep and after 30 minutes the Owner Arrives][/b] Sunshine:What was that? Tina:Maybe the Owner! [b][The door Opens][/b] Sunshine:Who are you? Tina:I think that is the Owner!!! Sunshine:Yah! Tina:Hi My name is Tina! Sunshine:Sunshine here! Tina:We were wondering if you could le us stay for the night?Umm we will leave tom. Ryan:Ok! Hi My name is Ryan! Sunshine:We cleaned your cottage Ryan:Really? Thanks so much! Tina:Your welcome! Ryan:Here I'll lead yu to the Guestroom! Tina:Thanks! [b][In the Guestroom][/b] Sunshine:Wow! This room is big! Tina:I know! Ryan:Yah! Tina:Are you sure this is the guestroom??? Ryan:Yah! Sunshine:I think im gonna like it here!!! Ryan:Ok! gud nyt! Tina:Yah! Sunshine:=) [b][Ryan Leaves the room][/b] Sunshine:This place is so big! Tina:I know!!! =) Sunshine:You can take a bath now! Tina:I dnt like! Tom. nlng! Sunshine:We just got wet in the rain! Tina:Ok ma'm ! Sunshine:whatevah! Tina:Then you ok? Sunshine:ummm duh! Tina:Peace! :D Sunshine::lol: [b][After Tina and Sunshine took a bath][/b] Tina:Im gonna get a snack donwstairs! Sunshine:w8 w8 w8 ....Tina we might get full ...I like it :eh: Tina::lol: Sunshine:Anyways lets go! ;) Tina:Sure! :D ............ ........................... Tina:Ummm Sunshine? Sunshine:Yah? Tina:Is it me,or does the door feel lock? Sunshine:Wat do you mean? Tina:Try feeling it Sunshine:Ok! ........... ......................... Sunshine:It is!!!! Tina:Wat will we do? [b][At the same time,the boys are looking for the girls][/b] Ran:Sunshine!!! Kyle:Wer r they? Ran:Look footsteps!!! Kyle:C'mon lets follow them!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [spoiler][b]Wat will happen?Will they find them???Find out in Chapter 26!![/b]:D[/spoiler]

Last edited by Sunshine0918 (2008-09-16 08:48:29)

  • » ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

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