• » ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

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;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

» FTalkAddict
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

^ok.ok.ok by the way i edited Chapter 27 in the letter part...hehehe mistakly put the wrong thing! :lol: :arrow:[b]Chapter 28:[/b] Sunshine:Oh w8,forgot to say bye to Nick! :O [b]When Sunshine came there,nick was gone already[/b] Sunshine:Nick?Nick?Helloooo???? Ms Aylyn:Ms.Bello,Be quiet! :mad: Sunshine:Sorry! :D [b]In Sunshine's mind[/b] Where is nick kaya? :| Anyways I'll just go looking for him later! [b][In Class][/b] Sunshine:Nick? Nick:Yes! :doubt: Sunshine:You mad at me? Nick:Maybe! :doubt: Sunshine:Wer did you go ba? Nick:Where did I go,where did you go! :mad: Sunshine:I was gonna catch up with Jim but I remembered you :P Nick:Oh! :redface: Sunshine:Why you blushing???;) Nick:Nothing. Sunshine:Okay! :eh: [b]A new teacher enters.Everyone is suspicious![/b] Chelsea:Whos that? Henzor:Idk! :paranoid: Ms Nerisse:Gud Morning Class :) Students:Gud Morning Ms - Ms Nerisse:Ms Nerisse :| Students:Gud Morning Ms Nerisse :D Ms.Nerisse:Ok.I will be your Teacher for the whole term because your previous teacher has travelled to somewhere we all do not know! Sunshine:Wat? Ms.Nerisse:Who said that? Sunshine:I did! Ms Nerisse:Wat ur name? Sunshine:Sunshine Bello Ms Nerisse:Bello? Sunshine:Yes Ms :( Ms Nerisse:Is Ran ur brother? ;) Sunshine:Yes,why? =| Ms Nerisse:Nothing,he was just my student before Sunshine:Oh!Did you here about the accident :( Ms Nerisse:What accident? Sunshine:Lets just say my brother is in the Hospital ryt now Ms Nerisse:Really? :o Sunshine:Yes Ms. :cry: Ms.Nerisse:Im really sorry! :( Sunshine:Its ok! :| Ms Nerisse:Ok..Now today we r gonna go to the lab and have an experiment..umm..pick a partner [b]All of the students had partners except 4 Sunshine and Nick[/b] Nick:Wanna be partners? Sunshine:Sure! Ms.Nerisse:Ok now that you picked you partners...Pair up and think about scientific names for our classmates.About 5 of your classmates Sunshine:Ok! Nick:Lets start [b]When they told the class their names ...It was the most intresting Names...That they were the only partners that got VS![/b] Nick:Good Job! Sunshine:Same to you! Nick:We r great together Sunshine:Yah like Sister and Brother Nick:Yah! :( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [spoiler][b]How does Nick feel?Find out in Chapter 29![/b] :kiss:[/spoiler]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

what a good chapie!!... ehehe!!
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

^Thanks! :D tnx to evry1 who supported me! :eh: tnx 4 the support! =)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

oh... We also thank you for posting this wonderful stowee...
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Hi Sunshine! I love your story by they way! I can't wait for the next chapter!
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

ohh!! this is great! :D is this a true life storii about yours?=)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

wah..nys story siz =) :thumbsup: you should write a book .u are a book writer...lolz . :lol::lol::lol:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

[quote]To ElleGirl:tnx 4 the support!Yah your ryt...but im not that good! :lol: :D[/quote] [quote]To xXlynethXx:it not really ...but some parts are...:)[/quote] [quote]To lydia.c:Thanks!...I'll have it done soon[/quote] Sorry guys for the late chappie i'll have it done later... Busy me !!! :D
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

i lyk ur story.. update more.. more power sis...
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

^Sure sis.pero busy aq eh.sori nlng.soon.soon.promise....when i have time.sorry for taking long to update :D Chapter 29 coming soon!
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

[align=center] wow..O_O it's long story siz..O_O cooL..!! hey".. why dun u just post this story at fanfiction.. or.. write the books of it..??:eh:[/align]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

@Everyone: Finally, once again. I remembered my story and just wanted to continue it. Sooo heres Chapter 29. The second to the last chapter!! [b]:point: Chapter 29:[/b] Sunshine: Whats wrong? Nick: Nothing much.. Im just.. nevermind. I gotta go. Byee!:crybaby: Sunshine: What?!? Okay, Byeee! :( [In Sunshine's Mind] : I wonder whats wrong. He just became sad all of a sudden... If only he knew how I felt about him... :( [In Nick's Mind] : If only.. If only she loved me the same way.. I love her too much. Im just so afraid that if I would tell her. Our relationship would banish. :( I hate life. [b]LATER....AT HOME. [/b] Sunshine: Hmmm, I wish Nick was onlineee.. [b]SHE CHECKS HER MAIL. SHE GOT A NEW LETTER![/b] [quote]Heeey. Its Nick. Im sorry if I made you feel guilty or what so ever a while ago. Its just that, I need to tell you something. I thought of telling it to you right now in this letter. But, Id rather tell you in person. So, tomorrow.. Before school starts.. Lets meet up in the Library.. Its really important.. I just hope Im doing the right thing. Ok. Bye now. :)[/quote] [b](SUNSHINE STARTED TO BLUSH :redface: ) [/b] Sunshine: Wowww.. I wonder what he is gonna say. I just hope he tells how he feels.. I know I told him I like Jim..But it seems that he has changed those feelings.. Now, I like..HIM. W8. I better go to bed. Ran wouldnt want me to wake up late for school tomorrow.. :sleepy: [b](THE NEXT DAY, AT SCHOOL..IN THE LIBRARY)[/b] Nick: Where is she.. I think I made her feel akward and now, she hates me. STUPID ME!! :( :wallbash: Sunshine: Im hereeee! Nick? Nick: Over here! :) Sunshine: So, what did you want to tell me? Nick: Okay, I know Im not the most perfect guy in the world..And I know that you like Jim..I know that you are going to the states soon..But, I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time now.. Sunshine..You are the most wonderful girl Ive ever met...You make me smile just by looking straight at me with those beautiful eyes. I just want to tell you that..I..I love you. Sunshine: :redface: aww, Nick. Finally, you told me! I may have liked Jim, but being with you and having you here with me changed that. You may not be perfect, but you are just right for me. I..I love you too. Nick: But... Sunshine: But? =( Nick: You are going to the US next week already..This..This just can work. :crybaby: Sunshine: Oh..=( Ok.. I..I understand. :/ Nick: Im sorry Sunshine: You dont have to say anything.. Its..Its okk. Nick: Sunshine... [b](SUNSHINE WALKED AWAY..CRYING.)[/b] :cry: Nick: What did I do....:( Mystery Voice: You broke her heart.. Nick: Huh? What? Who said that? Jim: Me... Nick: Oh.. Jim.. Hi. :/ Jim: Dude, you dont always get girls like that around here.. :facepalm: Nick: I know.. But it was for her own good. :crybaby: Jim: So, it was better for her heart to have been broken? Nick: Yeaaah.. I mean.. No.. I mean.. I dont know.. :wallbash: Jim: She's living next week. The only thing you could have done was spend this last week with her. Nick: Ohyeah.. You're right. THANKS BRO! Byeee.. :run: [b](Nick catches up with Sunshine..)[/b] [spoiler][b]See what Nick says in the last Chapter..Chapter 30!.. :eh: [/b][/spoiler]
  • » ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

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