by the way i edited Chapter 27 in the letter part...hehehe mistakly put the wrong thing!
[b]Chapter 28:[/b]
Sunshine:Oh w8,forgot to say bye to Nick!
[b]When Sunshine came there,nick was gone already[/b]
Ms Aylyn:Ms.Bello,Be quiet!
[b]In Sunshine's mind[/b]
Where is nick kaya?
Anyways I'll just go looking for him later!
[b][In Class][/b]
Sunshine:You mad at me?
Sunshine:Wer did you go ba?
Nick:Where did I go,where did you go!
Sunshine:I was gonna catch up with Jim but I remembered you
Sunshine:Why you blushing???
[b]A new teacher enters.Everyone is suspicious![/b]
Chelsea:Whos that?
Ms Nerisse:Gud Morning Class
Students:Gud Morning Ms -
Ms Nerisse:Ms Nerisse
Students:Gud Morning Ms Nerisse
Ms.Nerisse:Ok.I will be your Teacher for the whole term because your previous teacher has travelled to somewhere we all do not know!
Ms.Nerisse:Who said that?
Sunshine:I did!
Ms Nerisse:Wat ur name?
Sunshine:Sunshine Bello
Ms Nerisse:Bello?
Sunshine:Yes Ms
Ms Nerisse:Is Ran ur brother?
Ms Nerisse:Nothing,he was just my student before
Sunshine:Oh!Did you here about the accident
Ms Nerisse:What accident?
Sunshine:Lets just say my brother is in the Hospital ryt now
Ms Nerisse:Really?
Sunshine:Yes Ms.
Ms.Nerisse:Im really sorry!
Sunshine:Its ok!
Ms Nerisse:Ok..Now today we r gonna go to the lab and have an experiment..umm..pick a partner
[b]All of the students had partners except 4 Sunshine and Nick[/b]
Nick:Wanna be partners?
Ms.Nerisse:Ok now that you picked you partners...Pair up and think about scientific names for our classmates.About 5 of your classmates
Nick:Lets start
[b]When they told the class their names ...It was the most intresting Names...That they were the only partners that got VS![/b]
Nick:Good Job!
Sunshine:Same to you!
Nick:We r great together
Sunshine:Yah like Sister and Brother
[spoiler][b]How does Nick feel?Find out in Chapter 29![/b]