• » ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Pages: 12345678..8

;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Ummm Hi guys!!! Heres Chapter 11 :arrow:[b]Chapter 11:[/b] I wonder if Anna is really OK with it!!! I mean she just left without a word Sunshine think think First you had a fight with Anna then Tina But still now But now dont tell me your gonna fight again with Anna!!! Ran:Come On Sunshine I need to ask you something!!! :angry: Sunshine:Why??? What did i do??? :( Ran:Come down Here!!! :mad: Sunshine:Ok!!! Ran:Im very Dissapointed at you!!!! Sunshine:Huh??? Why??? Ran:I heard that you are fighting With Anna and Tina :angry: Sunshine:From who did you hear that from???? Ran:Thats not important ,Answer my question??? :doubt: Ran:Tick Tock Tick Tock time is running so what is your answer???? :clock: Sunshine:Ok!!! Yes we are fighting!!!But who told you??? Ran:Its not important who told me!!! Sunshine:Ok!!! Fine !!! Heres what happened!!! It was a night and i went outside for a walk and saw Tina kissing my crush!!! And anna Was mad at me because I didnt Like to go to her birthday party Ran:Thats not what anna told me!!! Oops!!! :paranoid: Sunshine:Anna Told you!!!! :angry: Ran:Dont say a Word Rachel Just go upstairs and do your homework!!!! :mad: Sunshine:Dont ever Call me Rachel I told you never to call me Rachel Because of what happened before I hate you!!! :crybaby: [Sunshine Runs Upstairs very madly] Ran:wait Rach I mean Sunshine Pls Stop Ran:Im Sorry!!! Sunshine:Go away!!! Sunshine:I never want to see your face again!!! Ran:Im sorry Open The door Please :( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I told Ran to never call me Rach or Rachel Again because of what happened before Now i know anna is mad at me!!! Shes just jealous Uhhh its so confuesing this year!!! Why cant it be like last time!!! ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Find out in Chapter 12 why doesnt Sunshine want her Brother to call her Rachel !!! :eh:
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

[b]Ummm Hi guys!!! Heres Chapter 11,I just notice now its Doubled Ummm please dont report me Im sorry !!! Umm Enjoy this 2 stories!!![/b] :arrow:[b]Chapter 11:[/b] I wonder if Anna is really OK with it!!! I mean she just left without a word Sunshine think think First you had a fight with Anna then Tina But still now But now dont tell me your gonna fight again with Anna!!! Ran:Come On Sunshine I need to ask you something!!! :angry: Sunshine:Why??? What did i do??? :( Ran:Come down Here!!! :mad: Sunshine:Ok!!! Ran:Im very Dissapointed at you!!!! Sunshine:Huh??? Why??? Ran:I heard that you are fighting With Anna and Tina :angry: Sunshine:From who did you hear that from???? Ran:Thats not important ,Answer my question??? :doubt: Ran:Tick Tock Tick Tock time is running so what is your answer???? :clock: Sunshine:Ok!!! Yes we are fighting!!!But who told you??? Ran:Its not important who told me!!! Sunshine:Ok!!! Fine !!! Heres what happened!!! It was a night and i went outside for a walk and saw Tina kissing my crush!!! And anna Was mad at me because I didnt Like to go to her birthday party Ran:Thats not what anna told me!!! Oops!!! :paranoid: Sunshine:Anna Told you!!!! :angry: Ran:Dont say a Word Rachel Just go upstairs and do your homework!!!! :mad: Sunshine:Dont ever Call me Rachel I told you never to call me Rachel Because of what happened before I hate you!!! :crybaby: [b][Sunshine Runs Upstairs very madly][/b] Ran:wait Rach I mean Sunshine Pls Stop Ran:Im Sorry!!! Sunshine:Go away!!! Sunshine:I never want to see your face again!!! Ran:Im sorry, Open The door Please :( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]I told Ran to never call me Rach or Rachel Again because of what happened before [/b]:mad: [b]Now i know anna is mad at me!!![/b] [b]Shes just jealous[/b] :| [b]Uhhh its so hard this year!!! [/b]:crybaby: [b]Why cant it be like last time!!![/b] ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` [b]Find out in Chapter 12 why doesnt Sunshine want her Brother to call her Rachel !!![/b] :eh:

Last edited by Sunshine0918 (2008-08-01 07:30:03)

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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Hey Bestie! Keep up the good work! YOU ROCK!:)=)
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Thank everyone !!!!! Pls invite others to my story!!! :D :arrow:[b]Chapter 12:[/b] Ran why did you ever say Rachel you know Sunshine doesnt like to be called that see what you've done !!! You Idiot!!!! :( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I told Ran to not call me that Anyways i better get some sleep!!! :| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok Ran lets sleep so tomorrow this will be over =) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][The next day ][/b] Ran:Sunshine Open the door [b][No reply][/b] Ran:OMG i better get the key!!! [b][Ran opens the door][/b] Ran:Sunshine Where are you??? Ran:OMG the windows open,she ran away ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][Lara's House Door Bell Rings][/b] Lara:Coming,Hi! Sunshine:Hey :( Lara:Why are you sad??? Sunshine:Because my brother did something bad and i ran away Lara:What?! :o Sunshine:He called me Rachel :crybaby: Lara:Why dont you want to be called Rachel ba?? Sunshine:Because before i was called Rachel There was this guy who had a little girl who he wanted to kill then I was in a park and so was he He was chasing that poor little girl until His glasses got of but he didnt mind so he just listened then my friend Jessica came and said Hi Rachel Then He heard the name then Mistakely Shot me, They brought me to the hospital It was pain when they moved the bullet thats why i never want to be called Rachel It might cause the accident again and it was pain !!!! Really Pain!!! Thats why!!! :cry: Lara:Im sorry Sunshine!!! Sunshine:Its ok!!! Lara:Here i'll treat you to SM Mall of Asia Lara:We will ice skate Sunshine:Ok!!! Lara:Ok i want you to go home and forgive your Brother anyways if you ever did like that to him He will forgive you naman diba??? So umuwi ka na Mag Sorry Sunshine:Fine!!!:doubt: Lara:Byebye!!! Sunshine:Ok!!! :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Will Sunshine really go home and say sorry to ran find out in chapter 13???[/b] :)
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Hey Bestie! Story is getting more exciting! another chapter!
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Hey Bestie! Just wanted to say that I can't wit for the next chapter!=)
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

more and more exiting :thumbsup: for me .....
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Hey guys heres Chapter 13!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter 13:[/b] Sunshine:Ran??? Ran:Sunshine, Thanks God !!! Sunshine:Im sorry!!!:( Ran:Im sorry Also!!! Sunshine:Can i go to SM Mall of Asia with Lara Ran:Sure!!! Sunshine(in her mind):Wow he totally forgot about yesterday!!!! :o [b]`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````[/b] [b][Lara's House][/b] Sunshine:Ready???? Lara:Yah!!! Sunshine:Lets go now!!! Lara:Ok!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][At the Mall][/b] Lara:Two Iceskate tickets pls Saleswoman:Here you go ma'm ;] Lara:Pls dont call me ma'm Just call me Lara Saleswoman:kk!!! Thanks have a great day!! :eh: Lara:You too!!! Sunshine:Your so kind!!! Lara:Thanks!!! :D Sunshine:Lets Ice Skate :lol: Lara:Ok!!! ................ ............... ................. ................. Lara:Look at that Theres a Movie Star!!!! :o Sunshine:Where??? Where??? :paranoid: Lara:There!!! OMG shes coming to Iceskate Sunshine:Oh There!!!! Oh thats just my Other Bestie Aika Merino Lara:Shes your Bestie!!! Sunshine:Yup,I met her when i was acting in Hannah Montana Aika:Oh Hey Sunshine!!! :) Sunshine:Hi Bestie!!! Aika:Who's That??? Sunshine:My Friend,Lara Nicole O. David Aika:Oh Hi Lara!!! Lara:Your yo-ur Aika Merino (Screams) :o Aika:Yah!!! Nice to meet you!!!! Lara:You too!!! Aika:So Lara wanna meet my friends ??? ;) Lara:OMG yes!!! Aika:Heres Bea Venzuela,Krizia Villanueva and Sofia Insua :D Bea:hi!!! :) Krizia:Hi!!! :) Sofia:Sup? ;) Sunshine:There she goes again Stealing my friends!!!! Aika:Sunshine?You ok??? Lara:Yah Shes ok!!! Anyways How are you??? Aika:Im fine!! Bea:Hey wanna go to the Party with us Sunshine:Hey i thought there was only 1 ticket left and you were bringing me! Sofia:Sorry!!! But you always go there anyways just buy your own ok??? Sunshine:Fine!!! :( [b][Sunshine Runs Without a word][/b] [b]Sunshine:I hate them they always steal my friends And Lara she has to always act like She knows them very well She like How are you I just hate this day!!! Aika:Sunshine? Sunshine:Just Go away!!!![/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Will Sunshine ever speak to Aika Again Find out In Chapter 13??? [/b]:eh:

Last edited by Sunshine0918 (2008-08-02 02:18:50)

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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Whoa!! Nice! I'm in the story! :rose:
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Thank Bestie!!! :):D:P:eh:

Last edited by Sunshine0918 (2008-08-02 02:22:16)

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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Very ggood ..................................... :thumbsdown: no not for me for me it :thumbsup:
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Very ggood ..................................... :thumbsdown: no not for me for me it :thumbsup:
» n00b
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

nice story :) keept it up! :D
» FTalkAddict
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Thanks People!!! Thanks for the support!!!!:D Heres Chapter 14 :arrow:[b]Chapter 14:[/b] Aika:Hey wait i didnt do anything!!! :| Sunshine:Yes you did your trying to steal my friends again!!! :( Lara:Hi Girls!!! Why are you Sad Shine??? Bea:Yah why??? Sunshine:Just all of you!!! I dont wanna see you, your not friends of mine!!! Sofia:Whats up with her??? [b][Sofia Spoted a guy][/b] Sofia:Who is That???? He is damn Hot!!!! :o Krizia:Oh that His Joshua Jose Sofia:I like him!!! =) Krizia:Go to him!!!! Sofia:=) ............................. ................................ Sofia:Hi!!!! Joshua:Hi!!! OMG your Sofia Insua Your a great Singer!!! :O Sofia:Thanks!!! And you are Hot!!!! Joshua:What?! Sofia Insua Said i was Hot!!! OMG!!!! :o Sofia:Hey wanna go meet my friends??? ;) Joshua:Sure!!!! [b](Ok lets get back to business)[/b] Lara:I hate this Day!!! :cry: Bea:Its ok!!! Lara:No!!! I had a Friend that i wanted to talk to since 1st grade and now that im friends with her i spoil it,How dare I?? Bea:Its not your fault Shine is really like that!!! Lara: OMG!!! that guy is totally cute!!! Bea:Yah you too look good together!!! ;] Lara:Thanks!!! Bea:Well lets talk to him kk??? :eh: Lara:kk!!!! ................. ....................... [b][This Vincent guy bumps into Lara][/b] Vincent:Im so sorry!!! Lara:Its ok!!! Vincent:You sure??? ;) Lara:=) Vincent: Oh yah im Vincent Lara:Im Lara Bea:Im sorry to Interupt But we have to go!!! Vincent:Ok!!! Lara:Byebye!!!:D Vincent:Byebye!!! :D ................. ........................ Lara(in her mind):Oh He is so cute!!!wait wat im I saying Anyways im taken i like someone else!!! Bea:You ok??? Lara:Yes!!! .......... ................. Bea:Hi Van Van:Hi!!! Bea:Van this is my friend Lara Van:Hi Lara!!! :) Lara:Hi!!! Van:Where Shine Bea??? Bea:Shes just doing her Silly Drama!!! Van:As always!!! Lara::lol: Van:So are you gonna go to the Party??? Lara:Ummmmm Ummmmm Van:So are you going:question: Lara:I have to ask my parents first ok?? Van:=) Lara:Byebye Bea and Van I have to go!!!! Bea:Ok!!! Van:Bye!!! :kiss::kiss::kiss: Lara:Byebye :/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][Lara's House][/b] OMG Lara Van kissed you!!! Lets check your workplan for tomorrow Patrick:Lara,Dinner Time!!!! Lara:Wait!!! :) Patrick:Come now!!! :D Lara:Ok!!! Fine!!! ;) Patrick:So wat happened today ???? Lara:Nothing! :| Patrick:Oh Really??? Lara:=) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Will Lara say the truth Find out in Chapter 15!!! [/b]:P
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

ahahahahhahah :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: love it ..... :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: So funny ... im the main character ?!?!??!?! Ya ur right bout van and vincent ... :P well 1 is gone .... and 1 is left ... :D:D:D:D
» FTalkManiac
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

waw.. so nice story.. keep it up siszy! :thumbsup:

Last edited by dJeZzy (2008-08-05 03:35:04)

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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Didnt you know I said pls dont report and i said it was a mistake!!!! Pls!!
» FTalkManiac
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

[quote=Sunshine0918]Didnt you know I said pls dont report and i said it was a mistake!!!! Pls!![/quote] aww, no siszy.. i reported my self.. coz im double post here, 2 days ago..then the mod had been deleted my post ones.. :( let me say how sorry iam siszy :crybaby: i think, we are getting missunderstanding :wallbash: ur story are nice sis :) :thumbsup:

Last edited by dJeZzy (2008-08-05 03:59:55)

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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

I Like Next Chapter!!!:rose: PLease!!
» FTalkWhiz
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

weeeeh!. em xoo late! heheh. btw. nyc s2ry sis! hehhe. i lyk it! kip it up!. mke mre! heheheh. xo nxt chappie na sis! update na pfouh! pra happy ang ending ng barkadah eehehehe... juwk! ~juliene~
  • » ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

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