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  2008-08-02 09:12:12

» FTalkAddict
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Re: ;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Thanks People!!! Thanks for the support!!!!:D Heres Chapter 14 :arrow:[b]Chapter 14:[/b] Aika:Hey wait i didnt do anything!!! :| Sunshine:Yes you did your trying to steal my friends again!!! :( Lara:Hi Girls!!! Why are you Sad Shine??? Bea:Yah why??? Sunshine:Just all of you!!! I dont wanna see you, your not friends of mine!!! Sofia:Whats up with her??? [b][Sofia Spoted a guy][/b] Sofia:Who is That???? He is damn Hot!!!! :o Krizia:Oh that His Joshua Jose Sofia:I like him!!! =) Krizia:Go to him!!!! Sofia:=) ............................. ................................ Sofia:Hi!!!! Joshua:Hi!!! OMG your Sofia Insua Your a great Singer!!! :O Sofia:Thanks!!! And you are Hot!!!! Joshua:What?! Sofia Insua Said i was Hot!!! OMG!!!! :o Sofia:Hey wanna go meet my friends??? ;) Joshua:Sure!!!! [b](Ok lets get back to business)[/b] Lara:I hate this Day!!! :cry: Bea:Its ok!!! Lara:No!!! I had a Friend that i wanted to talk to since 1st grade and now that im friends with her i spoil it,How dare I?? Bea:Its not your fault Shine is really like that!!! Lara: OMG!!! that guy is totally cute!!! Bea:Yah you too look good together!!! ;] Lara:Thanks!!! Bea:Well lets talk to him kk??? :eh: Lara:kk!!!! ................. ....................... [b][This Vincent guy bumps into Lara][/b] Vincent:Im so sorry!!! Lara:Its ok!!! Vincent:You sure??? ;) Lara:=) Vincent: Oh yah im Vincent Lara:Im Lara Bea:Im sorry to Interupt But we have to go!!! Vincent:Ok!!! Lara:Byebye!!!:D Vincent:Byebye!!! :D ................. ........................ Lara(in her mind):Oh He is so cute!!!wait wat im I saying Anyways im taken i like someone else!!! Bea:You ok??? Lara:Yes!!! .......... ................. Bea:Hi Van Van:Hi!!! Bea:Van this is my friend Lara Van:Hi Lara!!! :) Lara:Hi!!! Van:Where Shine Bea??? Bea:Shes just doing her Silly Drama!!! Van:As always!!! Lara::lol: Van:So are you gonna go to the Party??? Lara:Ummmmm Ummmmm Van:So are you going:question: Lara:I have to ask my parents first ok?? Van:=) Lara:Byebye Bea and Van I have to go!!!! Bea:Ok!!! Van:Bye!!! :kiss::kiss::kiss: Lara:Byebye :/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][Lara's House][/b] OMG Lara Van kissed you!!! Lets check your workplan for tomorrow Patrick:Lara,Dinner Time!!!! Lara:Wait!!! :) Patrick:Come now!!! :D Lara:Ok!!! Fine!!! ;) Patrick:So wat happened today ???? Lara:Nothing! :| Patrick:Oh Really??? Lara:=) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Will Lara say the truth Find out in Chapter 15!!! [/b]:P

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