Hey guys heres Chapter 13!!!

[b]Chapter 13:[/b]
Ran:Sunshine, Thanks God !!!
Sunshine:Im sorry!!!

Ran:Im sorry Also!!!
Sunshine:Can i go to SM Mall of Asia with Lara
Sunshine(in her mind):Wow he totally forgot about yesterday!!!!

[b][Lara's House][/b]
Sunshine:Lets go now!!!
[b][At the Mall][/b]
Lara:Two Iceskate tickets pls
Saleswoman:Here you go ma'm
Lara:Pls dont call me ma'm Just call me Lara
Saleswoman:kk!!! Thanks have a great day!!

Lara:You too!!!
Sunshine:Your so kind!!!

Sunshine:Lets Ice Skate

Lara:Look at that Theres a Movie Star!!!!

Sunshine:Where??? Where???

Lara:There!!! OMG shes coming to Iceskate
Sunshine:Oh There!!!! Oh thats just my Other Bestie Aika Merino
Lara:Shes your Bestie!!!
Sunshine:Yup,I met her when i was acting in Hannah Montana
Aika:Oh Hey Sunshine!!!

Sunshine:Hi Bestie!!!
Aika:Who's That???
Sunshine:My Friend,Lara Nicole O. David
Aika:Oh Hi Lara!!!
Lara:Your yo-ur Aika Merino (Screams)

Aika:Yah!!! Nice to meet you!!!!
Lara:You too!!!
Aika:So Lara wanna meet my friends ???
Lara:OMG yes!!!
Aika:Heres Bea Venzuela,Krizia Villanueva and Sofia Insua



Sunshine:There she goes again Stealing my friends!!!!
Aika:Sunshine?You ok???
Lara:Yah Shes ok!!! Anyways How are you???
Aika:Im fine!!
Bea:Hey wanna go to the Party with us
Sunshine:Hey i thought there was only 1 ticket left and you were bringing me!
Sofia:Sorry!!! But you always go there anyways just buy your own ok???

[b][Sunshine Runs Without a word][/b]
[b]Sunshine:I hate them they always steal my friends
And Lara she has to always act like She knows them very well
She like How are you
I just hate this day!!!
Sunshine:Just Go away!!!![/b]
[b]Will Sunshine ever speak to Aika Again Find out In Chapter 13??? [/b]
Last edited by Sunshine0918 (2008-08-02 02:18:50)