• » The good thing about this is when you apply one of the alert script it doesn't produce LAG or page loading slowness unlike C.S.S. alerts that uses expre/**/ssion that mess ups a profile. The bad thing

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The good thing about this is when you apply one of the alert script it doesn't produce LAG or page loading slowness unlike C.S.S. alerts that uses expre/**/ssion that mess ups a profile. The bad thing

ERGO Devilfish
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: The good thing about this is when you apply one of the alert script it doesn't produce LAG or page loading slowness unlike C.S.S. alerts that uses expre/**/ssion that mess ups a profile. The bad thing

Nice Sir. Ephe, its better to use JS alert than CSS. Theres a little complicated in CSS, good thing you've share it to us, thanks for sharing :gift::D:thumbsup:
  • » The good thing about this is when you apply one of the alert script it doesn't produce LAG or page loading slowness unlike C.S.S. alerts that uses expre/**/ssion that mess ups a profile. The bad thing

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