haha!! im proud to say so! haha, dont like going to school early, im always stuck in the gate where late people stay. haha.
gr.6 -- were making a record to who will have the most late record. haha. unfortunately i lost, i only got 11 lates in my report card and my classmate got 13. haha.
1st year -- haha, i luv the gate! wer i always stand! haha. but i hate the d.o(discipline officer).. instead of making us go to class after the morning bell immediately, he makes us stay in the lobby(like) near the school gate, like, 1/4 of the class. haha. he were making us like cut the class, haha. and then, we proceed to his office, write in a piece of paper the time you came in, your name, section. hahaha. but one time, i saw him make the 2nd year boy sing the school hymn, some say our prayer, hahaha, good thing he doesnt make me. haha.