yaaa..salamat sa nagbabasa,, ehehe.. update ko later.. magdadagdag lang ako ng character sa tinatype kong chap (10 na!)
for now, eto muna....

[b]Author's note:[/b]
[quote]Full Name: [b]Samantha Felicity Villegas[/b]
Nickname: Sam, Sammie, Liz, Lizzie,
Birthdate: February 15 - around 00:05
Birthplace: Manila, Philippines
Color: Baby pink, light blue, mint green
Food: Native and Asian
Drinks: Calamansi Juice. Anything citrus
Scent: Citrus, Cool Water
[b]Unforgettable experience/s[/b]
Her trip in Rome, Paris, Brussels, and other capital cities - especially in Munich.
[b]Most loved people[/b]
Mom and Dad
Kuya Drei
Aling Selia
[b]Talents and Skills[/b]
Great in cheering up and supporting people
Sucks in dancing
Easily cries
50-50 outlook in life (50% optimist - 50%pessimist)[/quote]
Last edited by meng.o3 (2008-05-22 09:28:35)