^ 3 in a row. lol
NEVER. I was never late for my Second subject

Elemetary - I miss flag ceremonies.
Highschool - I came 5-10 minutes late
College - 2 hours late, the most. especially if it's wednesday. coz it's Baclaran day. Always heavy traffic. last year, i still attend my first even if im 45 mins late (a one hour class) coz my prof doesn't even care. It's an integral calculus class btw, i just attend classes so i know what our assignments are, and just to pass my assignments. but during exams, i try me best to come early. we have a brace period of 15 mins.
Projects? sometimes late.
aw, btw, talk bout late, i was late last thursday in my first class, Differential equations. 30 mins late (one hour class) it's really unexpected coz i left home soo early. yet i came late coz of heave traffic. and it's our Long Quiz day