Im sorry To everyone who reported me...Im new here wait i followed the rules .....OK!
I want to say sorry and From here im gonna use my common sense and theres gonna be
a new me !:)But thanks to the ones who Supported me !!!

[b]Chapter 2:[/b]
[b][At home][/b]
Oh Why does Anna Have to go,We've been Besties For 2 or 3 years and now shes living
Oh, Sunshine just understand your bestie is going .....Just Calm Down and Try to help
Anna convince her parents to let her stay=)
Ok Sunshine you can do it!

Ran:Sunshine!!!! Dinner Time!!!
Sunshine:Ok! im coming
Ran is my Brother he is 16 years old sometimes i fight with him but sometimes i dont!!!

Ran:Guess whats for dinner?
Ran:Nope!!! Its Chicken with a capitalized [b]C[/b]
Sunshine:Oh! Brother ! Lets just eat!

Sunshine:I'm Done,I'll go up now Ok?
[b][Someone Knocks at the door][/b]
Ran:Sunshine,Can you get that?

[At the door]
Anna:Sunshine? I need to tell you something? Its a secret,only you and Tina knows !
Sunshine:What is it? Good News or Bad news?

Sunshine:Good News First!!!
Anna:Ok I met someone VERY NICE !!!

Sunshine:Whats his name???
Susnhine: what I know that guy!!!

Anna:Really?? you can tell me about it
Sunshine:Wait! Bad news First
Anna:Umm you know already I cant get to know him better cause im leaving remember???
Sunshine:Are you sure your really going???

Anna:Yah very Sure!!!
Sunshine:Ok!!!Tomorrow Im gonna Introduce you to him and you can get to know each other very well
And tomorrow i will beg your mom and dad to let you stay !!!

Thannks Bestie and Love yah !!!

Well i got to go byebye!!!
Susnhine:See yah tomorrow!!
Anna:dont tell about you know what!


[b][After Anna Left][/b]
Ran:Sunshine!!! Its time you go up now ....Its getting Late!!!
Sunshine:Ok Ran!

Ran:Good Night Susnhine:)
Sunshine:Good Night !!!
[In Susnhine's room]
Susnhine:Oh i better Check My Friendster,Friendstertalk and Ym
Oh I have Two Comments!Its from Ken!!!!!

Its say:
[quote]Hey Sunshine,Remember me Ken ....Well I need to tell you something tomorrow
meet me in The Park near by the river !! thanks:)[/quote]
[b]What will ken tell Sunshine ??? Is it Good news or Bad News??? Find out in Chapter 3[/b]