Hey Guys Thanks For supporting me!!! I really want to say that you guys are good friends!!! Well heres Chapter 3

[b]Chapter 3:[/b]
I wonder what will ken tell me But I better not
mention this to Anna
Well i better go to sleep its getting late na kasi eh!
[b][In the morning at Tina's House][/b]
Sunshine:Good Morning Tina!!!

Tina:Good Morning!...So do you know??
Sunshine:Know what??
Tina:You Know...Anna...

Sunshine:Oh Yeah I know

But I have to tell you something you can't tell Anna!
Tina:Sure!!! What is it???
Sunshine:Ok...She likes [b]him[/b] right???..Well He commented me He said he wanted
To tell me something
Sunshine:I don't know cause he didnt tell me anything he just said meet me in
the park i need to tell you something
Tina:Ok Hope its not about you know what
Sunshine:I get It

[b][Anna Catches up with the gang][/b]
Anna:Hey Guys!!!
Sunshine and Tina:Hey !!!!

Anna:So wat were you talking about
Sunshine and Tina:Nothing just about School

[b][In School near the lockers][/b]
Anna:Dont tell what i told you yesterday to anyone !!!
Sunshine:Of Course
Tina:Why Would we???
Anna:I know that you would not tell I'm just nervous !!!
Sunshine:Ok we have to go bye!!
Tina:Yah Bye!!!
Anna:Ok!.......Hmmm Those two are acting weird
[b][In Class][/b]
Mrs Reyes:Good Morning Class
Students:Good Morning Mrs Reyes
Mrs Reyes:Ok Class I want you to listen...It's Important We are gonna have a fire
Drill on July 20 or 19 ....So remember nobody will Panic ....Ok?
Sunshine:Mrs Reyes What Time???
Mrs Reyes:Well that would be a secret for you
Mrs Reyes:So Once the fire bell rings We wold see if you guys Are doing well or not
[b][Bell Rings][/b]
[b][In the Park][/b]
Ken:Hi Sunshine Do you remember me???
Sunshine:Yah! So wat are you gonna tell me???
Ken:Well Remember last Year when we used to hang out
Well since then I've Been Falling for you!

Ken:Anna Are you alright??
Sunshine:Yah I'm Fine....Are you sure???
Ken:Yah I'm sure....So do you feel the same??
Sunshine:I'm sorry But I'm not really ready for those stuff
Ken:Ok!!! I Accept but I wont give up I'll wait
Sunshine:Ok!!! But hope you Find Another Girl
Ken:No i would never give you up!!!
Sunshine:Ok Bye bye!!!
Tina:So wat did he tell you
Sunshine:Well he said what we were hope he would not say
Tina:What?!....How would we tell Anna???

Sunshine:We cant and We wont
Tina:Ok!!! But Remember [b]Honesty is the best Policy[/b]
Sunshine:I know but We really cant....She might think I'm stealing Ken From her
Tina:Well Ok !!!!
[b] How would Sunshine Plan go will it work or not Find out in the next Chapter!!![/b]
Last edited by Sunshine0918 (2008-07-18 21:54:16)