Dont Worry It would Be soon.... Okay NEVERmind i'll just Write Now:

[b]Chapter 5:[/b]
Sunshine:I wonder who this note is from
[quote]Hi Sunshine I Know your mad at me But im really Sorry I hope
you forgive me...If you forgive me Pls go to the Park and see
me !!!I'm sorry!!!

Sunshine:I know who this is From...Its from [b]Tina!!![/b]

....Oh MAYBE
I should forgive her I mean That's the way she is
[b][Bell Rings][/b]
Mrs Reyes:Ms Bello I need to talk to you remember???
Sunshine:Oh Sorry Mrs Reyes...I forgot!!!
Mrs Reyes:Sunshine What Is Going....Why Were you Crying???
Sunshine:Oh it was Nothing I just Miss my Dad and Mom!!!

Mrs Reyes:Ok!! Pls Say Hi to them when you see them!!!
Sunshine:Ok Mrs Reyes!!

[b][In the Park][/b]
Tina:Sunshine? Are you still mad at me ???
Sunshine:I dont know!!!
Tina:Im really Sorry !!!
[b][Ken Calls Tina][/b]
Ken:Hi Honey


Tina:Ken!!! I told you to not call me Honey
Ken:Why??? You are my girlfriend[b] ALREADY[/b]
Tina:Sunshine I wanted to tell you !!!
Sunshine:You Horrible Person!!!
Tina:Sunshine, wait!!!
Ken:Whats Wrong with her ,I mean she didnt accept me before
now shes mad!!!
Tina:Its Because ....Oh JUST GO AWAY!!!
[b][Talking to Anna][/b]
Sunshine:ANNA !!! YOU would never believe this!!!

Sunshine:Tina AND Ken Are together !!!

Sunshine:No!! I mean Like In a Relationship!!!

Anna:Oh your just trying to make me mad at Tina !!!

Sunshine:No Im Not Im Telling the truth!!!

Anna:Just Go Away!!!


[b]Will Sunshine Convince Anna to See What is happening with Ken and Tina Check It out In Chapter 6????[/b] :rose:
Last edited by Sunshine0918 (2008-07-23 07:25:48)