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  2008-07-23 08:25:35

» FTalkAddict
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;]Together Forever !!!Hi My Name is Sunshine Bello I am 13 years old I Have My Two Bestfriends with me Anna and Tina they are the Best talaga!!! But We had a fight here you read!!! :arrow:[b]Chapter

Yah Thanks Ummm Chapter 7 would be on Saturday....Because theres school eh:P...My mom wants me to study ....Thats why!!! Pls Read this Chapter !!! Thanks!!!:eh: :arrow:[b]Chapter 6:[/b] Sunshine:Anna!!! Pls !!! Believe me!!! Anna:No Your not telling the truth!!! Sunshine:Promise ,Look I'll show you come with me Anna:Fine!!! :doubt: Sunshine:Come with me!!! [b][In the Park][/b] Ken:Hey Tina! =| Tina:Get Away from me Freak!! Ken:What do you mean? Tina:I mean dont come near me !!! Ken:What?!:o [b][Anna talking to Sunshine][/b] Sunshine:What?!:o:O Anna:See!!! I told you !!! Sunshine:No Its not true!!! Anna:Your the one who is not telling the truth!! :mad: Sunshine:No Its not true!!! Anna:Just get away from me!!! Sunshine:Fine!!!! Dont Believe me!!! [b][Tina And Ken][/b] Tina:Just Joking my little Kenny Wenny!!! Ken:I knew you were joking Cupcake!!! Tina:Of Course i was!!! [b][Sunshine,Tina And Ken][/b] Sunshine:You horrible Person!!! Tina:what?! :O what did i do??? Sunshine:I was trying to Show anna the truth ...But you had to play a joke on Ken Ken:Hey !!! Its not her fault!!! Sunshine:You said you cant even keep a secret from anna buut how come now?? Tina:I cant a keep a secret that is someone elses only mine!!! Sunshine:Tell Anna the truth or I will Tina:And how will you??? Sunshine:I dont know,But I will !!! __________________________________________________________________________________________ [b][Tina and Anna][/b] Anna:Tina??? Can i ask you something??? Tina:Yah Sure!!! =| Anna:Sunshine Says You are dating Ken Is that True??? Tina:No Of Course not!!! Anna:Ok! Of course!!! Sorry=| Tina:Its Ok!!! [b][In Science Class][/b] Mrs Onato:Good Morning Class!!! Students:Good Morning Mrs Onato!! Mrs Onato:Please bring out your homework!!! Sunshine:Huh??? What Homework!!! Chelsea:Oh its the one in science the question is "What is A microscope and what is its parts???" Sunshine:Can i see yours??? Chelsea:No of course !!!=| [b](Chelsea is also Sunshine's Bestie she is also 13 years old but Chelsea doesnt really hang out with Sunshine)[/b] Tina:Here!! you could copy mine Sunshine:No Its ok!!! Sunshine:Pls Chelsea???? Chelsea:Fine!! I was just joking anyways!! :eh: Sunshine:Thanks!!! [b][After 3mins][/b] Sunshine:Done!!!:D [b][Fire bell Rings][/b] Sunshine:What was that? Chelsea:The Fire Bell!!! Sunshine:Oh Yeah!!! Mrs Onato:Stay Calm Children!!!! Mrs Reyes:Everyone One Stay In Pairs!!! Tina:Sunshine can i ----- Sunshine:Chelsea can i be with you??? Chelsea:Of course Anna:Tina can i ----- Ken:Hi!!! Anna:Hi!!! ummm Ken can i be with you???:D Ken:Sorry But Im gonna be with Tina Anna:What?!:o Anna:You Lied to me!!! Tina:Sorry Anna I wanted to tell you but --- Anna:Im sorry Susnhine!!! :cry: Sunshine:Im really Sorry too!!! :cry: Anna:Besties again!!! Sunshine:Ok!!! [b][Tina Skirt Gets Stuck in the Locked Door][/b] Ken:Im Here Tina! Dont worry!!!Im HERE Tina:Ok!!! [b][Ken Breakes the Door and carries Tina][/b] Anna:Such Drama :puke: Sunshine:I Know!!!! =| ___________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]What will the teacher say to Ken for breaking the door would Tina be also in trouble find out in Chapter 7[/b]

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