[b]Sorry Guys Chapter 7 was suppose to be on Saturday But i had alittle problem with my laptop
so it will just be today!!! kk!!![/b]

[b]Chapter 7:[/b]
Anna:Oh He is gonna get in trouble!!!

Sunshine:I know!!!

Anna:You guys are gonna get in trouble!!!
Sunshine:Yah !!!!
Ken:What?! I had to save her
Sunshine:you could Have just open it the right way!!!

Ken:Oh Yah!!!

Anna:Im Telling Mrs Onato
Anna:Mrs Onato!!!!!!
Mrs Onato:Yes!!!
Sunshine:Look!! What they did!!!!
Mrs Onato:What?! You Ms Tina and Mr Ken are in trouble!!!


Mrs Onato:No Buts
[b][In the Principals Office][/b]
Mrs Avic:Ok wat happened here
Ken:Because i was just trying to Save Tina Because her skirt got stuck
in the door and she couldnt get out thats why

Mrs Avic:I see!!! Wait!!

[b][Mrs Avic talking to Anna and Sunshine on the phone][/b]
Mrs Avic:Hello?
Mrs Avic:Girls !!! Can you come to my office
Sunshine:May I know who is Speaking???
Mrs Avic:Its me Mrs Avic
Sunshine:Oh Ok!!!
[b][Sunshine and Anna][/b]
Sunshine:Mrs Avic Called
Anna:What did she say???
Sunshine:She just said to go to her Office
[b][In Mrs Avic's Office][/b]
Mrs Avic:Sit Down Girls!!!!
Sunshine:Why did you call us???
Mrs Avic:Im just gonna Ask you questions
Anna:About what??? We didnt do anything

Ken:Yes you did!!!
Tina:Ken stop Talking!!!

Ken:Ok!!! Sorry!!
Tina:Its ok!!!
Mrs Avic:Girls Can you tell me exactly what Happened
Anna:Ok!!! Sunshine You Tell the Story!!!
Sunshine:Ok!!!When the Fire Bell Rang Tina's Skirt got stuck in the door so Ken
Broke it to save her but he could have just open it the right way !!!Because the door wasnt lock
But Ken didnt try to see if its lock he just broke it !!!
Mrs Avic:Oh I see!!!

Ken:So it was just a mistake

Mrs Avic:Be careful next time but i think you have to pay for it
Ken:How Much???
Mrs Avic:About 350 pesos

Ken:My mom is gonna kill me!!!
Mrs Avic :Im sorry Mr Enriquez but you were not careful
Tina:I'll Pay half !!!!!

Ken:Thanks Honey!!!
Tina:Your Welcome!!!

Anna:Such Drama!!!

Sunshine:I know!!!
[b][At Home][/b]
Ran:Hi Sunshine
Ran:How was your Day !!!
Sunshine:Not really awsome=|
Sunshine:This guy Ken broke something in school and i feel sorry for the school
Ran:Ok!!!You got homework???
Sunshine:Yup !!!
Ran:Can you go do it!!!
[b]Will Ken Find the Money to Pay The school Without Telling his Parent Find out in Chapter 8[/b]
Last edited by Sunshine0918 (2008-07-27 01:45:37)