[align=center][color=deeppink][font=Century Gothic]@Linniie:[/font]
[font=Century Gothic]Elow Siz . <33 Yah siz nahz left . soo . where's teh format??

[font=Century Gothic]@Malow:[/font]
[font=Century Gothic]Em' Fine . yeah siz nahz left

How come huh??[/font][/color]
skyline is getting boring.
Sooo..i made up a new poll!!
Please vote .
But,if no one vote till' tom,i will leave skyline . need 5 or more votes..
wanna vote? [url=http://www.freewebs.com/stayorleaveskyline/][b]Click Here . <33[b][/url]
EDDITED (agein):
i decided to leave . but,at tonight,ill come back,dun worry . if tonight,i dont get 5 vote and more,i will really leave and never cume back..soo..VOTE NOW![/b][/url][/align]
Last edited by EleeGirl (2008-09-12 02:29:23)