^Sure sis!tnx 4 the support

[b]Chapter 26:[/b]
Ran:Hurry up!!!
Kyle:ummm we have a prob!
Kyle:We're in quicksand!!!!
Kyle:Look down!!!!

Ryan:Thought you'd save those girls ha?

Kyle:You planned this???

Ran:I know you!!!

Kyle:You do???
Ran:Yah!Ryan is that you?
Ryan:Yes in did !I saw you awhile ago following the girls footsteps!!!
Kyle:Whats happening ...Who are you?
Ran:His name is Ryan ...My former Bestfriend!

Kyle:Why do you seem like you hate each other?
Ryan:We do idiot!!!
Ran:Dnt call my bestie that!!!

Ryan:Oh so his your new bestie...Umm wheres Neil?
Ran:His not my bestie anymore

Kyle:Whos Neil:question:
Ran:No one!
Ryan:You didnt tell him?
Ran:He doesnt need to know Ryan!!!
Ryan:Oh i think he does!
Ryan:You see Kyle,its kyle ryt?
Ran:Shut up!
Ryan:Sure come and get me if you can

Ran:How about you help us out and i come and get you alryt!
Ryan:Im not that dumb Ranny!!!
Ran:Oh yes you are !
Ryan:What?Can you repeat that?

Ran:Come here!Come here!

[b][Ran does a move and Ran and Kyle are out of the quicksand][/b]
Ran:Whos the dummy now?
Ryan:You are!

....You make a mistake Ranny ...Im sure you did!!!

Ran:Oh yah! Lets just see!

[b][While the boys are fighting ...The girls are trying to get out][/b]
Tina:I know what to do ...You've been training with your dad .....ryt?
Sunshine:Tnx for reminding me!
Tina:Ok try it!
[b][first try][/b]
Sunshine:Oh Its to hard!!!! I cant do it!!!
Tina:Yes you can !!!Believe in yourself!!!dnt forget your motto!!!

[b][Second try][/b] [b][Sunshine had opened it ][/b]
Tina:I knew you could do it!!!
Sunshine:Thanks Tina!!!

Tina:Your welcome!

Sunshine:Ok ...Lets go now!!!
[b][After they went for a short run ...They had seen Ran and Ryan fighting][/b]
Ryan:Oh ...Is that Sunshine?
Ran:Dnt hurt her....
Ryan:who cares!!!!
Sunshine:dnt come near...I warn you!!!
Ryan:Wow im scared!!!
Sunshine:Oh yes you would be!!!
Ryan:*Ahem* Loser!
Sunshine:*Ahem*Look down!!!
[b][Sunshine beats Ryan up][/b]
Sunshine:Any Last words?

Ryan:Yah!!!Good bye ...Happy Birthday!!!
Ran:Sunshine! Look out
[b][Ran blocks Sunshine and the knife heats him][/b]
Ryan:Good bye Losers!!!
Sunshine:Im not done with you!!!
[b][Ran grabs sunshine's hand ][/b]
Sunshine:Kuya Ran?
Ran:Yes Rach?


Ran:I love you sis!
Sunshine:Love you big bro!!!
Ran:Take care ok?
Ran:Its time for you to grow up
Sunshine:What do you mean?
Ran:Im leaving...Im going away forever!!!
Sunshine:You mean....
Sunshine:No your not!!!
Ran:Tell mom and dad and gege (ko-ko) i love them!
Sunshine:I will!
Ran:Love you sis!

Sunshine:Your the best!
Ran:I have a present for you its in ...its in...its...in
[b][Ran doesnt reply][/b]
[spoiler][b]What will happen?What will appen to Ran???Find out in Chapter 27!!![/b]
