im not a fstalk member yet in that time and
im just a simple guy who loves to play online game named "MU" phil
i was on my room and thinking what will be my username and will be my nick name there
cauz almost all of my guildmates have an unique name
and i realize to do mine and when i was on my room i see a cloud and while im listening to my mp3
it stuck on playing dread....dread...dread... and i dont know if its god who gave me that nice and unique code name
so i realize why i just combine it like "[b]DREAD[/b]" + "[b]CLOUD[/b]"
so later on it become [b]DREADCLOUD[/b]
but suddenly i want a new one
can anyone suggest a unique codename for me??
a short one but kinda you 'll gonna think if you just analyze it