[quote=derickcute_24][quote=jagcopra]here it goes..
*clears throat*
chatbox was made really for chatting. Using of emoticons are implemented because, we all know, it's a chatbox. We have freedom on what we can say there but there are only few rules to abide. One of them is promoting sites or promoting a porn site. It is Illegal and ofcourse, not allowed to. another one is saying profanity , and such bad words. Now let's move on the emoticons, Users sometimes use emoticons here. But using one of it doesn't mean a SPAM. Why? because [u][b]putting emoticons still make sense.[/b][/u] Each emoticons have their own meaning. like this one >

which means Happy(for me). so putting it still make sense and won't be considered as SPAM. putting this one >

still make sense. because users sometimes feel very happy. That's what the emoticons functions. They exist for usage. not for display only.[/quote]
ohh,,,so this is it!!!

i agree to you but 50% only......why?
because some members post [u][b]like this:[/b][/u]

not only once but they repeat many times,,,
[quote]putting emoticons still make sense.[/quote]
yes,,i agree but some members post a emoticons like this

because they want to have a [u][b]marathon[/b][/u]!!!

WTF!!! they will play inside the chatbox?

chatbox is use for chating not for playing like marathon...
am one of those who post penguins in the cbox,
but with message..
its just for fun...
besides, no one is chatting in there when i post penguins...
and we disturb [b]NO ONE[/b]
coz i think it's late at night...