[b]I confess that..[/b]
-- I miss TPAM. I miss teasing her.
Srsly. I miss her.
-- My eyes!! Getting blurrier and blurrier!
-- My back hurts. XD
-- I want to [i]unli[/i] but I have no money. Sh*t.
-- 'Sh*t' is the only bad words I can say when I'm mad or something. XD
-- Yep. I'm jealous.
-- Me and my friends have a conference on phone last night. Many revelations! XD And good thing, I haven't told them already about what me and my crush texted to each other because he's there just listening. XD I told them when we're sure that we are the only one listening there. XD
-- We sleep 3.30 in the morning. XD Fun!
-- Sometimes I wish that he would just broke up with her. I want to be with him. SOON! X(
-- Yeah, I'm such a bad person for wishing that.
Last edited by Lelouch_0 (2010-04-16 11:23:12)