[align=center][size=5][b]I CONFESS:[/b][/size][/align]
[quote]• I wonder why some people think I'm mature
Are they kidding[b]?[/b] ROFLOLMAO[b]!!![/b] There's no way in hell I'm mature [b]XD[/b] My little brother is even more mature than I am. Shocking revelation
• I curled my hair for the first time, today. It sucks but I guess I look [b]hot[/b]
Hahaha, [b]whattathickface![/b] Just kidding. Anyway, I guess you're shocked that it's actually [b]"my first time"[/b] (well, maybe you're not) but let me have the chance to speak like it's my first time, kay[b]?[/b] Haha. Curly hair feels really comfortable. I felt like it was crawling on my neck
So fun. Hee~
• I'm so busy, I keep going online really late these days. Tho it's vacation already. Gomen ne, Ftalk. I'm just really busy these days [b]T.T[/b] Wednesday [b]:[/b] I went to the Baccalaureate mass & Recognition day practiced, and went somewhere with my friends. Yesterday [b]:[/b] I don't really remember what happened yesterday
Today [b]:[/b] I attended the my Recognition Day and my brother's Graduation Day. Hays, so tiring. And then tomorrow, we're gonna go celebrate
So, please forgive me for being quite inactive these days, Ftalk.
• I can't stop listening to Secondhand Serenade [b]again![/b] This is the [b][insert 5-6 digit numbers here][/b]th time I had an LSS wif them. Urrrrrr