[align=center][b][size=5]I CONFESS:[/size][/b][/align][quote]• I can't stop listening to [b]Airplanes[/b]
I meant the song, kay[b]?[/b] Not the real thing, hoho. It's so addicting coz my idol's there [s]--[/s] Hayley W. [b]<3[/b]
• I don't know what to do at home anymore. After eating in DQ today, I kept wondering "what'll I do at home now[b]?[/b]" Hay. [b]BOO[/b]RING[b]![/b]
• I'm getting lazy to post in Ftalk these days :'( Sorry Ftalk. I dono why but I just can't catch up with the other Ftalkers
I miss the [b]OLD[/b] Ftalk ... Hay.[/quote]