[quote=mudpoet][quote]//Moving Controlpanel Buttons
if ( ! attachOnLoadHandler(function () { movingCpnl();}))
window.onload = function () { movingCpnl();};
function movingCpnl() {
var marqueeCpb = document.getElementById('"controlPanelButtons").innerHTML;
document.getElementById("controlPanelButtons").innerHTML ="<marquee direction='up' height='150' scrollamount='2' onMouseOver='stop()' onMouseOut='start()'>"+
sir bobcbar is there something wrong with this one i tried all the moving marquee the photo galery, more about me and the testimonials all are working on my page but this one is not... ?

Yes sorry about that I should remove this one, not sure why it does not work, even I can not get it