Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread.
We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section.
Talk abo
Elo guys. IMY ftalk esp. Bakstage. Anywho I bought an internet ad on my fne 4 one dy. So i'l b onlyn 24 hours
Shirow - I asked kimyasay earlier 2day bout whether she/he fancies u & gues wot she said? lmao. I knw a membr hu got a crush on u btw, i wont tel u her name or rank hir in ftalk but i fink u r close 2 her. It's not kimyasay.
Yuna - I mis ü
Ate duch, ate weng - tnx 4 d chat 2day en the day b4 2day. You killd my boredom lol