Is this The End? hahahaha. Epal mode.

hey sis jemmie, i don't think we can meet here in CDO because you just texted me that you're gonna leave soon, yet you arrive just this morning?? LOL
@ blurry : better not hurt my sis or else i'll spank you. hahaha

@ duch : thanks for mentioning my name dai . lab u.

june is drawing near na.

@ ej : hehehe. thanks for that nice one. haha.

@ yuna : hi sis. i miss you so much too.

@ shirow : haven't seen kimyasay's face yet. i don't even want to talk to him/her. perhaps i'll wait till h/she becomes mature. hehe.

you know.

to all the mods : at least, my thick face is worth it now. hehe. love you guyz.