Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..

ok i'll start...
1. Ayei- also known as FeenQue Gurl, gosh, i love her!!! for real.. she is a real friend, the funny thing is even though we haven't met yet, we treat each other as sisters and we work together to protect
2.Jenina- whoah.. jen visited my proffy and dropped a mesg there,
3.Lois- ow, this girl.. she posted a comment on my blog.. She said that i look like yasmien kurdi..harhar.. actually, she's not the first one to say that.. i have lots of friends and acquaintances saying i look like yasmien.. they even call me yaz... we are friends now.. sisters..harhar

[quote][b]I Want You To Be My Friend:[/b]
1.Ate Meng (shamae)-i think she's cool..she rox
3. Mizel
4. Padme
9. Ephemeral
10. bramzero and friendster talk members.. (you guyz are so cool!!!!)[/quote]
Last edited by khomplykeited (2010-07-30 23:06:47)