• » Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

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Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quote][b]bestfriendster[/b] 1. Ayei- also known as FeenQue Gurl, gosh, i love her!!! for real.. she is a real friend, the funny thing is even though we haven't met yet, we treat each other as sisters and we work together to protect 2.Jenina- whoah.. jen visited my proffy and dropped a mesg there, 3.Lois- ow, this girl.. she posted a comment on my blog.. She said that i look like yasmien kurdi..harhar.. actually, she's not the first one to say that.. i have lots of friends and acquaintances saying i look like yasmien.. they even call me yaz... we are friends now.. sisters..harhar ;) :kiss:[/quote] [quote][b]I Want You To Be My Friend:[/b] 1.Ate Meng (shamae)-i think she's cool..she rox 2.Jeshrel 3. Mizel 4. Padme 5.forsakenkid 6.Xian 7.Nica 8.Tikboy 9. Ephemeral 10. bramzero and friendster talk members.. (you guyz are so cool!!!!)[/quote]

Last edited by khomplykeited (2010-07-30 23:06:47)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

hi! i'm so glad i'm on the list u wanna add.. ty!! i'll add yah later, k?
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

[quote=`mizeL]hi! i'm so glad i'm on the list u wanna add.. ty!! i'll add yah later, k?[/quote] yah.. tnx.. :D so.. friends??
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

yeah, cool, tnx sis for accepting me as one of your friends here! [quote]Sis Yaz / khomplykeited Sis Ayei / FeenQueGurl Sis Jemz / Kikay all friendstertalk members are my friends[/quote] Hugz! :D

Last edited by '-'LoisFuLL'-' (2006-12-23 00:04:13)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

Hey there, it's nice to see my name up there. I'd be delighted to know you more. I'll add you ok? Here's some people who've been really cool with me. I'm thankful for you guys for being friendly and accommodating.. [i] Tama-chan - cute, sweet and friendly Mizel - very sweet and friendly Meng - responsible and helpful to others Glamour - very informative and accommodating Xian - cool smart guy[/i] Truth is, I'd love to be friends with [b]EVERYONE[/b]! =) I'm really very friendly, although I'm not very talkative. Don't be shy to talk to me, or message me or add me at Friendster if you like. Let's be Friends: [b]padme_bc@yahoo.com[/b]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

[quote=Padme]Hey there, it's nice to see my name up there. I'd be delighted to know you more. I'll add you ok? Here's some people who've been really cool with me. I'm thankful for you guys for being friendly and accommodating.. [i] Tama-chan - cute, sweet and friendly Mizel - very sweet and friendly Meng - responsible and helpful to others Glamour - very informative and accommodating Xian - cool smart guy[/i] Truth is, I'd love to be friends with [b]EVERYONE[/b]! =) I'm really very friendly, although I'm not very talkative. Don't be shy to talk to me, or message me or add me at Friendster if you like. Let's be Friends: [b]padme_bc@yahoo.com[/b][/quote] Gee.. thanks!!!! friends!!!!
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

@miss Adik: im number 5, thanks, heheh :lol: wanna be friends wit yah too ateh. be lovin to add you all and put you on my featured friends list :D add me up too: [i]pinakamakapangyarihangemailadd@yahoo.com[/i] (<-- walang kokontra :D nyahah!)
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

[quote=FoRsAkEnKiD]@miss Adik: im number 5, thanks, heheh :lol: wanna be friends wit yah too ateh. be lovin to add you all and put you on my featured friends list :D add me up too: [i]pinakamakapangyarihangemailadd@yahoo.com[/i] (<-- walang kokontra :D nyahah!)[/quote] Ow.. haRhar.. Thanks.. dOnt wori iLL add You.. (now na)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

[quote=khomplykeited][quote=`mizeL]hi! i'm so glad i'm on the list u wanna add.. ty!! i'll add yah later, k?[/quote] yah.. tnx.. :D so.. friends??[/quote] surenezz ize!! :eh:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

[quote=`mizeL][quote=khomplykeited][quote=`mizeL]hi! i'm so glad i'm on the list u wanna add.. ty!! i'll add yah later, k?[/quote] yah.. tnx.. :D so.. friends??[/quote] surenezz ize!! :eh:[/quote] Great
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

wow :D komply,happy to see may name on the list!!hehe,,thank you!! it's nice to be your friend!!
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

[quote=nica1214]wow :D komply,happy to see may name on the list!!hehe,,thank you!! it's nice to be your friend!![/quote] my pleasure =|
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

[quote=khomplykeited][quote][b]I Want You To Be My Friend:[/b] 1.Ate Meng (shamae)-i think she's cool..she rox[/quote] [/quote] :arrow: [b]oohh.. thanks. actually, im also lookin forward in being your friend. and just so to let you know, i even read your blog entries in friendster to know more about you... "robertz totoy" haha.. know that siz? i read that :P [/b]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

Thank you.. That's very generous of you to include me in the list.. :D I'm looking forward too to be friend with you all add me >> thecutestmanalive@hotmail.com if we're still not friends sorry I have lost track with my friends in FS. Some cool peepz here.. [i]Padme -- talk with sense and sure aim quality posts Mizel -- the jolly, sweet and friendly gal that I first noticed here and we both speak visayan language :D FQG -- a fellow pROSE gamer that I would surely want to meet online meng -- the most responsible mod here and reliable *plz close all those spammy threads* symph -- a cool dude and just one of my old friend here[/i] There's too many to mention just forgotten the others sorry I have short term memory loss.. :D j/k

Last edited by Xian (2006-12-24 13:07:36)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

[quote=meng.o3][quote=khomplykeited][quote][b]I Want You To Be My Friend:[/b] 1.Ate Meng (shamae)-i think she's cool..she rox[/quote] [/quote] :arrow: [b]oohh.. thanks. actually, im also lookin forward in being your friend. and just so to let you know, i even read your blog entries in friendster to know more about you... "robertz totoy" haha.. know that siz? i read that :P [/b][/quote] wow,ate meng!!!! got me!!!harhar..yah!!! totoy,,we're gudfriends ..he is my granson and im her granma,..funny eh?? i like him though..like him like him...he has no idea
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

[quote]EVERY0NE , ofcourse =) =)[/quote]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot


Last edited by jesrhel (2011-05-16 08:51:48)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

[quote=jesrhel]huwaw!,,siz khomply I'm sorry I didnt see this one!,,hehe yes wanna be yer friend too! ^^[/quote] hihi great sis!!!! btw, u r rili pretty
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

haha, of course sis jesrhel is bely beautipul..hehe, you too sis! =) @topic! New Friends 1. Sis Jesrhel 2. Sis Mizel 3. Kuya Tikboy 4. Sis Meng 5. Nikko 6. Arwin Wanna be friends with 1. Sis Padme 2. Sis Kimmie 3. kuya bob 4. Sis Ice 5. Kuya Xian 6. Kuya Symph

Last edited by '-'LoisFuLL'-' (2007-01-07 09:14:10)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

[quote=~*£i£amßüzh™che*~][quote]EVERY0NE , ofcourse =) =)[/quote] [/quote] Yup! same hir. everyone. haha :D
  • » Post the name of your bestfriendster here and share how you became friends with him/her.... ayt?? And also post the name of the person that you want to befriend ..:lol: :D ok i'll start... [quot

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