Re: [b]What's ur opinion? Especially for guys? Is it ok If a girl makes d first move? [/b]:eh:
[align=center]i dO preffeR thE boYs to maKe firsT moVE...oLd schOOL styLe..^^..
In mY opinIOn, iF the boY diD noT maKe the firsT or anY moVEs at aLL,it sEEms like He's jusT not intO the girL..
jusT like mE..crushiNg n noT teLLing,buT waitinG In aGonY!......[/align]
Re: [b]What's ur opinion? Especially for guys? Is it ok If a girl makes d first move? [/b]:eh:
I don't agree, because in this world, there are more girls than boys,
if the girls make the first move then we boys won't have any chance to choose them
Just kidding,,, I think it's okay. ^_^
Re: [b]What's ur opinion? Especially for guys? Is it ok If a girl makes d first move? [/b]:eh:
it shOuld bii ,. boys shOUld makE tHe fiRSt mOve ., itz' a shaMe tO thE gUrl lyk mii weN u make the fiRst mOve ,. aNd f dat'z haPpen,. bOys oUtdEr' wUd bii mOre bOastfUl cOz hE'z thiNking d' gUrl ., [i] hinahabol xa ! [i/] hard to transleyt hahaha., if thE boy reaLly lUbx hEr gUrL ., nO mOre dOubtzs shOUld bii ,. ! giRLzs oUtdER reMembER dat !!
Re: [b]What's ur opinion? Especially for guys? Is it ok If a girl makes d first move? [/b]:eh:
It's better , I'm afraid to court a girl coz I'm a 'lil pessimistic..
I hate it when I'm "[b]basted[/b]"..
It's just like failing on my English subject on Mr. Faustorilla's class..
Re: [b]What's ur opinion? Especially for guys? Is it ok If a girl makes d first move? [/b]:eh:
[align=center][color=gray]girls making the first move?? not good.
a complete turn off for boys. i mean why not leave them challenge.
hehehehehe....own opinion only... weeeeeeeh!!! [/color][/align]
Re: [b]What's ur opinion? Especially for guys? Is it ok If a girl makes d first move? [/b]:eh:
[quote=_fire_tree_]i mean why not leave them challenge.
hehehehehe....own opinion only... weeeeeeeh!!![/quote]
yeah.its kinda giving them challenge
its not really good to see if the girls are making the first move
Re: [b]What's ur opinion? Especially for guys? Is it ok If a girl makes d first move? [/b]:eh:
yea its okay!
i think its funnier this way lolz!
and guys are a coward to make the first move!
(even though my boyfriend was the one who made the first move lolz)
Re: [b]What's ur opinion? Especially for guys? Is it ok If a girl makes d first move? [/b]:eh:
[align=center]ahahahaha..i think uhm for's very ok...[/align]
[align=center]ahahaha...becoz i already did that... [/align]
[align=center]di ko na kasi mapigilan sarili ko na sabihin sa busted!!!jejeje=D[/align]