• » [b]Ur Japanese Name What is your Japanese name? Take each letter of your name and substitute it with the Japanese sound to the right of the letter. Names might be kinda long. A- ka * B- tu *

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[b]Ur Japanese Name What is your Japanese name? Take each letter of your name and substitute it with the Japanese sound to the right of the letter. Names might be kinda long. A- ka * B- tu *

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Ur Japanese Name What is your Japanese name? Take each letter of your name and substitute it with the Japanese sound to the right of the letter. Names might be kinda long. A- ka * B- tu *

yohanes :arrow: [b]fumorikatokuari[/b] i think that is a bad name.... huff
  • » [b]Ur Japanese Name What is your Japanese name? Take each letter of your name and substitute it with the Japanese sound to the right of the letter. Names might be kinda long. A- ka * B- tu *

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