I made this thread so we can evaluate the actions we have done so we can have ideas on some topic members and happenings in a particular thread, members with good and bad conduct and updated and plug-in/add-ons on our cool forum

July 14 2007 [b] [Check time of post][/b]
My Evaluation for today.
I closed and removed some topics that are inactive on help section and moved to recycle bin. also I notice some users are using BBcodes incorrectly, also I noticed in [b]diabolicious[/b] always double post in tricks and tutorials and help section.
I made some mistakes in merging post

I merged a post to a different user.
There are no problems on the chat box the smiles on the chat box really added some points

also only a few were caught using bad words on the chat box but we took cared of that

Also our forum is very popular
Last edited by Ephemeral (2007-07-14 08:17:51)