[b]people who imitate... those copycats...
i have a friend on friendster (who is my ex's gf---she added me on friendster and befriended me).,
bottomline is, she wants to do what i can. she wants to do what i already did.
when she sees me wearing yellow on friendster, she'll buy clothes that are yellow
when i got a bangs after a week she also had one.
i joined other community network, she followed me there.
i strike a pose on the cam and post it on friendster, she copies it.
and now... i dyed my hair color brown. what do you know... she too dyed her hair with THE SAME COLOR!!![/b]

at first i was flattered but as it progressively continues.... it's kinda irritating.
she's here too on ftalk[/b].
Last edited by gengskie (2008-06-15 09:40:06)