in the[b] MORNING[/b]
: i started being oL already in ym and pweNdzter ^^
: i take a bath OF COURSE!!
: ate my breakfast and LUNCH
: watcHng tv whiLe my laptop is on aLso
-> but nOt always =.=
: cHecking for the new messages in d cp
in the [b]EVENING[/b]
: watchng tv
: i ate my dinner
: reaDing bOoks
: listening music / downLoading music
: cHatting
: i'm stiLL oL on dat time in pwendzTer and ym
[b]THINGS i NEVER miss 2 do[/b]
: looking at my cp for new messages
: bEing oL in pwendzter and ym
[b]HABITS[/b] that i recentLy start to do:
: reading books
: visiting educationaL websites