^ Belated happy birthday, Linniie.

- As much as I love my friend, I don't like talking to her about my love life. I get that she's probably a realist [more like pessimistic, if you ask me], but I [b]hate[/b] it whenever she gives me her two cents on my relationship. I'm not even asking for advice, I just want her to listen. The sad part is, I tend to listen to her and make all the wrong decisions and I end up being proved wrong by my bf. So now, I'm not going to talk to her about anything related to my love life anymore, nor am I listening to her advice. No offense dude but you said so yourself - you have no idea what it feels like to love somebody.
- I'm very happy that my bf is very supportive.

I was scared about his thoughts on the idea of me switching to Culinary Arts, but he said he's fine with whatever I decide. :">
- Arghhh. Grades freak me out.

As much as I want summer to end, I [b]still[/b] don't want to see my grades!