^ Well some girls act like soo pathetic, I mean i'm not saying that all girls are like my girlfriend and your girlfriend. It's just, girls are girls and sometimes some girls like our girls are moody.
..uh, what? grammar check.

I confess this is the first time in 2010 that I post on this thread, yeah I guess. Hahaha, so what's so new about me here? I mean, what should I confess? So, I confess that last night I didn't sleep well, not really because I did our banner, but because I can't take her off my mind, I mean my girl. I think I just miss her so much, like probably what I am feelin right now. I'm just expecting that I can enjoy my summer with her, but these past few days she's getting busy with her future in college. I mean I will study here and she'll probably study in Manila because she'll take Culinary (she's pretty rich, isn't she?) then yeah, so much to confess. I miss her, and that's it. I wish that she can give me more of her time. Well, that's life.