[quote=_berii.^ü;#3536151;1271834752]- I really miss my classmates, especially those five. [b]Eri[/b], Nix, Edzel, Jenny & Rose. I want to see them.[/quote]
Who the heck is Eri?

No, IMYSM2 [b];***[/b]
[b]C O N F E S S I O N S ~[/b]
[spoiler]- I miss [b][u]Power Rangers Visual Kei Force[/u] girls[/b], for real.

Specially, Nana-chan.
- I haven't taken my bath for today. Lol. Maybe, after this. I'm kinda smelly [i]na[/i]

- It's so boring in plurk, because the girls aren't there. = =
- And.. and.. and.. :xixi:There's something inside of me saying that I need to join other e-group
