• I need to get some sleep right now. >__> Been working on this sad excuse for a term paper for 5 hours alreadyyy.

• I hate that I procrastinate so much. That makes me [i]cram[/i]. Wtf, I'm doing a term paper the day before the first draft is due. Goodness.

• Just realized I live a sad, sad life. I'm earning a lot considering I'm still a freshmen in college, but I [b]can't[/b] buy the things I want. What is up with that? -sigh- The things I do for freaking love. If I was single right now, I'd be able to buy everything I want! For real. But nooo. Hahaha. Oh well. He's worth it. <3
• I am happy that I'm starting to be... indifferent, in a good way. ;D