[quote=snypzelle;#3552841;1272602824]I want my Hyper Badge back. Really.
I'm sorry FTalk for being a spammer.
I still feel lazy to post. @__@[/quote]
oh no.
JOLO is uber determined to have his hyper badge back.
go JOLOw
i confess:
that i am starting to love MARCELO SANTOS III
that i am really having a hard time to lose weight!
that i am still enjoying posting ftalk so i don't want to school yet!
that i am addicted to QUEEN SEON DOK
that i am missing all my semi-close friends here.
that i wanted to have a laptop but we can't afford one.
that i missed my digi cam so much.. it is not yet fixed.
that i want to screm because of the hotness of the Mr. Sun above
that i want to eat Halo-halo
that i want to have TUMBLARITY back.
that i want more [u]READERS[/u]. in my [b]story[/b].
that i want to have more [u]FOLLOWERS[/u] in tumblr.