2010-04-30 04:56:23

» FTalkAgent
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Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

Okay. Now, this is my first confession with a [u]very, very sensitive[/u] post. Sigh. I just want to let it out, so yeah. I confess I had this friend in FB, and I don't even know her/him, (I even forgot how did we become friends and yeah. And guess what? He/She keeps on telling me this. Told me this for like, 4th time already? Mannn. [spoiler][i]hello Miku why aren't you answering my messages? Don't you want to talk to me? Anyhow, I just wanted to ask you something up front so we both dont waste our time.. I know Im being forward but would you be open to having a friends w benefits type of relationship? I'm turned on so I set up an adult page. click here: http://spciymeetpage84.com/ccc7dlm You are required to sign in to show u are an adult ) ok, im going to log in right now. my username is fun girl 100 msg me on there [/i][/spoiler] In case you're not my friend in FB, my name there is [b]Miku Hatsune.[/b] So.. I am really really frightened of his/her words. ( Okay, I'll just use "HE" okay? So hard. ) So like.. this really taught me a lesson to make my accounts private, and don't add or accept random people. Because, before, I don't find [b]social networkings[/b] that sensitive. I never encountered people like that, and yeah. I removed this friend on my FB and I hope I won't encounter that kind of people again. Cyber world is really, really frightening. :cry: OHMY, I got teary-eyed. Whoaa. :crybaby: So yeah. I hope my confession will also pursue people to make their account private and safe. So Ciao~

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