[quote]• Ooyeaaah. My FB's back to normal. Haha. [b]Funky dance*[/b] Yesterday I was forkin pissed off coz it wasn't normal: there were missing stuff & all. LMAO. But now it's okaaaaaay. Hooray. And I actually swore I won't ever use FB again, nyek. I'm such a failure [b]:))[/b]
• I had a really really awzzum dream \(@^0^@)/ It was about something. I don't really remember [b]xbb[/b] But I swear, it was so good that I didn't wantta wake up ever again. Haha. I just wish my dream would come true. ;д; Lol. BTW, all I remember is that ... there was something action-much, HARHAR. And there was some romance. Heekheek. I'm such an addict >:)
• Suddenly, I found myself watching & listening to [b]KPop[/b] MVs ~ Shimatta! What's happening to me XD Ajejejeje.
• I wonder why some people misspell my name & username... Is it really that hard to type?[b] 8'(([/b] If it is, gomen ne. But I think my name's too simple to be misspelled o.O Oh well, hahahaha. Here, let me show you how to spell it -- It's not D[u]KN[/u]Y [perfume & cologne; besides.. I hate perfumes, haha], it's [b]Dnky[/b]. As in, Donkey without vowels, neh? LOL. It's not Do[u]n[/u]a, it's [b]Donna[/b]. It's not Loui[u]ss[/u]e, it's [b]Louise[/b]. Oki :DD Please keep that in mind. I'm not mad, okay? Hahahaha XDDDD[/quote]
Last edited by Dnky (2010-04-30 09:07:07)